Heartcom Network

Networking for the Net worth of a
more enlightened Net reality


Brief Bio

     Having published more than a hundred free online e-books with "hot-links" (chapters) and embedded videos at his Heartcom Network, Rudy is a long-time Netizen journalist and visionary who lectured at Buckminster Fuller's World Game Studies workshop in 1974. Later that year he gave the keynote address at a Future's Summit with ten agencies of the Federal Government on Capitol Hill. 
     While raising four children and developing
four holistic health centers, ‘Dr. Christopher’ pioneered quantum medicine in the early 90's and went on to innovate quantum computing with heartware for the next generation of the computer-Internet revolution, integrating hardware, software and netware.
     According to Rudy, this integration of current instant-everywhere and interactive Internet capabilities will involve
heart coherence and light language to evolve social conscience in our all connected  social networks. 
     As host of the Internet radio show
Cosmic LOVE for almost eight years, Christopher has explored the emerging Aquarian Dispensation with many guests. Currently he is emphasizing 2015 Enlightenment with Holistic Healing Advances and Global TeLeComm capabilities in the Aquarian Spirit of freedom in , the universal law language framing the Constitution of Conscience for conscientious evolutionary ascent with an InnerNet interface between the Outernet and the Internet. ### [5/5/2015] Full bio here.

Author of 'On The Path', 'Miracle Moment',
'Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
'Meetings With Miraculous People',
'Second Coming of Christ Mass',
'Surge in the Source Field' and
'Affirming A Divine Attitude'
'2012 LOVE Unveiled'
 and 'Soul Communion'
with 'Soul Soaring'.
See: 'KoF Series'.

Also known as Dr. Christopher,
aka, The Metaphysician,
aka, The Reluctant Prophet,
aka, Christos Lightweaver,
or just C. Light for short.

 As the Big Shift accelerates now on the 2015 timeline
those with great love in their hearts are awakening
to the realization that little else matters now.
The end of the world as we've known it
is the beginning of a new world
 that promises a return to
'The Foundation'.

To Establish the Foundation...

 , above all, is for giving.

To  with all your strength, mind, heart and soul...
nd your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.