Source Code for the Source Field

Codes for 'KoF'
Keepers of Frequency in the
Aquarian Quantum Age

Compendium by Producer & Host of
BBS Radio's Cosmic Show,


In the larger scheme of eternal progression
there's common law, patterns of perfection,
  and common language for inspired direction
centering love within... so as we all enter in,
   we find a unity state with one clear mandate:
either we optimize unity or we're insensate.

Perception Correction of Paradigm Paralysis:
Beyond the lock-step, linear, left-brain, letter of the law
    is appreciation of the nonlinear spherical spirit of the law;
 atONEment as atonement for sense of separation from
    what IS REAL for our conscientious evolutionary ascent,
    gathering the tribes of IS REAL
in 'AMERICA' (anagram)
    for the '
I AM RACE' globally ~
~ as a Unity State (US).

Culturing Aquarian Community:
Terms of  Service for TeLeCommunity via
heart coherence and mind congruence:

The Logos~Law of the Angles of ‘G.O.D.
Geometric Ordered Divinity -
centering-connecting social networks
with Language of the Angels of Love:

Law of
ne - inspiring comm
unity atONEment;
The Law of Two-in-ne - 'polarity' NOT 'duality';
  The Law of Three-in-ne - Power-Wisdom-Love;
The Law of Four-in-ne - a Universal Interface;
  The Law of Five-in-ne - CAPstone Conscience
5D Creative Ascent Process).

Individual             Collective          Co-Creation         Integration


   Linear            Nonlinear           Trinity            Four-in-One

Left-brain Logic + Right-brain Intuition + Coherence  =  Congruence
      Spiritually        Emotionally        Physically


   Self Rule      Self Knowing      Self Healing      Self-Mastery

 Government       Education      Health Care        Economy

  Qualifying global 'TLC' with universal 
for interactive TeLeComm, TeLeCare and
TeLeCommerce with the Currency of
Conscientious Common Sense.

Conscious Evolution Revelations

Great Awakening => Great Enlightenment
(3D=>4D)                                       (5D+)      

50 Years - Pioneering An Aquarian Vision
Natural Life News / May-June issue 2024

The ‘Source Code’ for Enlightenment:
Co-creation codes for culturing conscience:
co-operative communication co-ordination
intention, attention, retention & ascension in the dimension where
rules... the mass-to-mass "interactive interface" (heartware)
for co-Creation of social conscience in our global social networks,
centered and connected with the
 Constitution of Conscience...
culturing "common sense" as
Effective Sensory Perception.
Look to SEE ~ Know to BE ~ 'Geometrically Ordered Divinity'
G.O.D.~  in form and frequency as in frequently);
the '
Language of the Angels' (our better nature) at the
heart of the 'Law of the Angles of G.O.D.~ '.
Linking the light (light language) of, by and for
more light  (conscious evolution)
via the 'Currency of Conscience' 
for our individual & collective
evolutionary ascension
 in Unity Conscience:
one world under
'High Order';


The Family of Mankind in a global village;
a ‘
Unity State’ with ‘Universal Solidarity’
 of, by and for “
US” (United Sovereigns);
 the global-connected Netizens of Earth.

code is the 1st principles of
 cosmic law language as applies to
conscious languaging processes 
culturing community-in-diversity
A pure geometry framework for a
Constitution of & for Conscience

- Universal ‘Rights'
- Public 'Sphere'
- 'Co~Creating'
- TeLeComm

All “Rights” () Well “Rounded” () & “Synergized” ()
with the healthy, holistic & otherwise holy “whole” (
in five core dimensions of cosmic-universal .

 Geometrizing the Source Code for all of
US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.

Framing the A, B, C's of Natural Law:
  Alpha Avatar Archetypes of ;
Benefits of Being ;
Conscious Coordinates for 'C'ing via
  + = all 4 directions of the
Creative Ascent Process
towards the CAPstone of

defining, refining, combining & 'shining'
with the sense of one-universal
as common law

and the language of
our better-kind

    - PURE INTENTION - Affirmation of Faith
 - FOCUSES ATTENTION - Confirmation
   - with LOVE RETENTION - Determination
- for VISION'S ASCENSION - Integration

There are rules whereby Creator's intention… 
is self-evident to those who 
focus attention
within and with all via true 
Love's retention…
wising up to rise up; 
conscious ascension… 
in a 
Unity State; co-Creation's dimension...  Image88

This 'Currency of Conscience'
for the Next Economy is
dedicated to the
 One Eye...


"To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know
the nature of love itself.  To truly know love is to know and 
understand God; and to know God is to understand love."

~ Dr. David R. Hawkins, "
The Eye of the I" (pg. 88)

"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of 
pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance 
the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at 
the lower weakening levels." 
~ from the decade-long research with millions of tests
utilizing behavioral kinesiology, documented in
 - The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior

by Dr. David R. Hawkins , M.D., PhD in Psychology


For codes to each one's 'holodeck'...
CONTINUED at: LOVE codes Part II