Christopher Lee Rudy

Wikipedia 'preliminary' (updated Sept 2024 autobio draft)


Christopher Lee Rudy (born April 2, 1949) is an American photographer, videographer, architect/designer, sculptor, entrepreneur1, naturopath,
quantum healing pioneer and author. He's the publisher of the Heartcom Network, producer/host of the BBS Radio Podcast, Cosmic Love.2  and is
the developer of Web 3.0 Heartware.10


Christopher is the director of UltraMedics and Global TeLeCare. He is the CEO of Heartcom Services and developed four holistic health centers
over 44 years.5,6 

Rudy lectured at Buckminster Fuller's World Game Studies Workshop in 1974. Later that year he was keynote speaker at Barbara Marx Hubbard's
Future's Summit on Capitol Hill (1974), introducing 10 agencies of federal government to a univeral interface for mass-to-mass interaction in the
Bicentennial Era - '76 to '89. This interface evolved as a pure geometry model of Natural Law first principles: LOVEart in 1971; LOVEmaps in 1973;
photo-silkscreen LOVE in 1975.

March 28, 1975, the Troy Daily News (Ohio) featured a half page article on Rudy's blueprints for The Troy Model, a geodesic dome over the
downtown square. On June 20, 1986, the Troy Daily News ran a front page article on Rudy as "Troy's resident visionary".

Time Magazine published an article about Rudy on January 18, 1999 (page 74, by Walter Kern). A year later, Rudy served as communications
director for leading health rights activist, Dr. Leonard Horowitz.5

Rudy pioneered quantum medicine in 1991. In 2000 he co-founded Natural Life News and is a feature writer in their current online publication.
He also publishes Heartcom Network, networking this weekly newsletter 'with heart' (heartcom) for the net worth of global net reality as ascends
from Great Awakening to Great Enlightenment.3

2024 is the 16th year that Rudy has produced and hosted the BBS Radio Internet Show “Cosmic Love”. He has interviewed leading luminaries
including Lynne McTaggart, David Christopher Lewis, Carl Calleman, Robert David Steele and Foster Gamble of the Thrive Movement.2,7,8 

Rudy has pioneered a Web 3.0 model of Internet development since 2001, documenting developments of his universal interface for mass-to-mass
interaction introduced to FedGov in 1974 for the Bicentennial. Now upgraded as 'Web 3.0 Heartware'.9,10

He is the author of 2017 Big Shift, 2018 Global Upgrade, 2019 Global rEVOLUTION, 2020s Global Co-Creation, 2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude, 2022 Great Turn-Around and 2023 Mainstream Awakening. His latest compendium is the 2024 Quantum Quickening.

Personal Life

Christopher was born to Robert and Grace Rudy. He was chess champion in Junior High and won the local Soap Box Derby at age 13,
racing in the nationals. In High School, Rudy was a competition figure skater, Eagle Scout, varsity wrestler, and school photographer, Troy Ohio.5

Rudy is the father of four children and has six grandchildren.

His passion is country swing dancing - "The King of Swing" - and advanced alchemy as a 'Metaphysician'.

Currently, Rudy serves two mastermind alliances: Ascended Masters and The Heartcom Network.


  1. Swedish Pollen Extract
  2. BBS Radio - Cosmic LOVE
  3. Aquarian Frequency Shift
  4. About the Radio Show
  5. Bio
  6. Christopher Rudy NC
  7. Interview with David Christopher Lewis (audio)
  8. Interview with Foster Gamble [audio]
  9. Interview by David Christopher Lewis [video]
  10. Web 3.0 Heartware

External links