Christos Quips

Christos Lightweaver

Conscious evolution is the name of the game.
The process is the product - an upright flame.
 Burning up dark records that stain your name.
 Wising up for rising up; it's one and the same.
~ from Evolutionary Ascension

  The emerging blueprint for the Aquarian Quantum Age
    of enlightened is not a mystery when known.

Aquarian Light Language naturally nurtures optimal  
  sovereignty - the Constitution of Universa

Look to SEE... Know to BE...
'Geometric Ordered Divinity'
G.O.D. is ).

To BE...
is the KEY to advanced

(Service to Others)

(Service to Self).

   Disaster in our past - 3D density -
is not our destiny - a 5D future
when a fully present 4D now   
is wholly engaged with the
mind of G.O.D. & heart of

What you reflect in your heart of hearts
 you will 
perfect as the mind of 'G.O.D.'
(Geometric Organized Dimensions)

   The Language of the Angels of Universal Love
   is the resonant frequency at the heart of the
Law of the Angles of G.O.D. Conscience:

  - Left brain AFFIRMATION (intention)
          with congruence - the '
Mind of GOD';
      - Right brain CONFIRMATION (
               with coherence - the 'Heart of ';
         - Hemi-sync DETERMINATION (
          with + = synergy in the trinity;
         - Whole brain INTEGRATION (
The Creative Ascent Process

  In the larger scheme of the space-time continuum,
the future has already occurred. And as it was
in the beginning, is now and ever shall be
without end - on Earth as in
'heaven' (Aquarian Source Field).

BY GOD'S GRACE... (Affirmation):
My mind is clear and intention is pure.
I focus attention with love retention
for conscious ascension in an
enlightened dimension of
full comprehension.
I will not stray or turn away,
But I remain an agent of
without end.
All Ways ,

If you do what you've always done,
you'll get what you've always got.
Know better to do better.

 When Christic 'Light' is exercised, dimwit 'DUH'
   (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless) is exorcised.

The higher the concept of
in form and frequency
- as in frequently -
the greater the

The more we work with the archetypes of ‘G.O.D.’
(Geometric Ordered Divinity – ),
the more we will see ‘archetypally’
(G.O.D.- Vision).

The kind man of G.O.D. sees G.O.D.
in all mankind.

This is belief in an original tradition based on the
  perfect knowledge of archetypal principles, forms
 and processes which underlie all manifestations
of life on Earth… and by extension the cosmos.

“In the beginning GOD geometrized.”
~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom

“In the end we become what we geometrize.”
~ Modern Christos Quips

Tape this on your bathroom mirror
- look yourself in the eye -
 and repeat 3x's with conviction every morning:
I Am the Pure Intention that Focuses Attention with
Retention for Conscious Ascension in a
Dimension of Full Spectrum Comprehension.

An attitude of gratitude empowers
wisdom with full-spectrum


There is nothing ‘extra’ about
full-spectrum enlightenment
Effective Sensory Perception)

when you have it.

 If the whole truth is whole enough
   and bold enough and told enough,
 initiates will conceive and achieve
IT’ (Innernet Technology).

 Heartware is the next phase of the
computer/Internet revolution after
hardware, software and netware.

The frequency of -in-action at
the heart of a universal interface
 for global inneraction is the
holistic, healthy, holy
 Spirit that matters

Earth's Evolutionary Ascent IS
-in-action DOES.

"Life's a hoot. Then you reboot."

image by Jean-Luc Bozzoli at

The ultimate meaning of survival is the
thrival of ultimate meaning, vision,
virtue and valor for the victory
  of atONEment ~ .

Spiritual evolution is not a popularity contest.
It’s more like a cosmic dance of karma & dharma.

It's not 'aptitude' (habit karma),
but 'attitude' (I Am dharma),
that determines 'altitude'
(beyond Big Pharma):

whether we soar with eagles
on thermals of gratitude,

or scratch with turkeys
on bugs of begrudge.

  Be aware of the Whole Truth with ordained
 Power of Love - and also - consequences
 for the ‘Big Lie’ (inordinate love of power).

More Light & ... easier & faster
is the gold standard for Aquarius.

Pure geometry thoughtforms
frame the 'U.S.' Constitution 
   as United Sovereigns of Earth
    in a Universal State of .

 The Aquarian dream of worldwide
manifests with global esteem for:
 - Rights of Mankind as Kind Men;
- Well-Rounded Common Sense;
    - Trinity: Balanced Synergy (+);
    - Integral Creative Ascent Process

 A universal interface for
 mass-to-mass TeLeComm
involve and quickly evolve our
 conscientious common sense.

Consent of the governed requires well-informed
 choice, and either the media is used as a tool
to upgrade conscientious common sense
consent doesn't match opportunity.

 Pure intention focuses attention
with true
conscious ascension
in the
'I Am' dimension
5D+ comprehension).

G.O.D.~~Source I Am (5D)
is integrated as Common Sense,
uncommon as that may be in  
3D 'SIN' (Stuck In Negativity).

is metaphysical gravity.
It keeps us tethered to G.O.D.

As fake news is exposed and 'mass illusion'
(3-D hypnotic psychosis formation)
the whole truth is disclosed and 'Common Sense'
Effective Sense Perception / 5-D+ Conscience)
  just in 'time' (4D).

Aspire to inspire before you expire!  
 Spiritualizing matter on Earth as in Heaven
is an uplift process that acts as the leaven
for the bread of life’ - -in-action -
to neutralize evil and transcend all faction.
The Aquarian Quantum Age has arrived;
energy fields within fields now realized.  
TeLeCare is a function of TeLeComm;    
our global holistic healing supervised.   

with all your heart and mind and soul,
and your Netizen neighbor in our
global village as thy Self.

Downsize the Tyranny of Corporatocracy
   by Upsizing Pure Intention for Sovereignty.

Sooner or later - for self or civilization -
 the inordinate love of power falls from
grace - the ordained power of love.

Love is a powerful thing. On the Hawkins scale of frequency – from dense 3D to enlightened 5D - it ranks right up near the top.

The JOY of love-in-action is a more powerful thing that ranks higher than just ‘love’ by itself.  That’s because the holy spirit of love-in-action is the ‘violet’ frequency co-created from the blending of ‘pink & blue’ (love and power).

It is the Power of Love as violet holy spirit frequency that takes JOY to an even higher level of Christic and Buddhic PRESENCE - codes for the Aquarian 'Great Awakening' - for synergy in the trinity of Power, Wisdom and Love.

The Second Coming of Christ mass PRESENCE is when we will celebrate Christmas with the love that is for giving - -in-action - all year round.

An Equinox 'TOAST': 3-20-23
"Here's to more light and love
as the Cosmic Cardinal Fire
of the Sun & Moon in Aries 
 sparks our hearts & minds."


The Chalice of Intention

Perfect faith is the power of fearless love.
The dharma of ascent overcomes karma.
The flow of cosmic fire's pure intention
- through ANY information system -
acts to organize that system
f o c u s i n g


a s c e n s i o n
in the 5th dimension;
enlightened comprehension.


The transformation capabilities of
the whole-holistic-holy spirit of
is the advanced alchemy of
self-fulfilling prophecy.

Self governing sovereignty
sure beats the alternative.

is what sovereigns do.
Tyranny is what psychopaths do.

This is now a global issue of

"We the People" is now all of 'US' as
United Sovereigns of Earth.

   To paraphrase wise old Ben Franklin:
   Either we all hang together with a
  high standard of Light & ,
 or most assuredly we'll all hang
separately in divisive dystopia.


Sustainable Reconstruction with
Worldwide TLC Healing is a
 Global Initiative.

Full Spectrum '5D' TLC:
 via interactive TeLeCommunion:
TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscience, TeLeCare 

The Heartware Project
A Universal Interface for Global Interaction

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Network for the net worth
of global TLC Net Reality.