2023 Mainstream Awakening Series 

Aquarian Kingdom of Heaven Formula

With all the crisis from Covid to Big War,
 plus the wild swings in the stock market,
and all the wild swings of public anxiety,
 it's good to center with the 'Golden Rule'
 (High State Aquarian -in-action)
as the
Kingdom of Heaven formula that
 blesses and heals Deep State dystopia.

Oct 31, 2023 / Heartcom Network

Heaven knows that it is sometimes darkest before the dawn... and calm before the storm. And there is a storm brewing folks.

Geopolitics are up in arms - bristling for war.  Corporatocracy has hijacked democracy. Wall Street has compromised Main Street. Artificial intelligence is rapidly replacing the real thing. And mass pharmacide - billions of people - has caused unprecedented disease and dying worldwide.

It's right out of the 'Twilight Zone'
or a 'Believe It Or Not' shocker.

Is it true that there are hosts of heaven stepping through the veil to lay the foundation for an Aquarian Golden Age?

Are you aware that global humanity is on the threshold of a quantum leap in abundance spiritually and technologically?

Would you agree that either the Spirit that matters is the new gold standard... or materialism and technocracy will 'wag the dog'?

Based on your response, consider that there are only spiritual solutions to human problems that are usually compounded by 'only human' solutions.

And watch this timely video for inspiration
in the face of humanity's global crisis:

Oct 28, 2023 / HeartsCenter.org
  The Divine Director, Manu of the Seventh Age, discourses through
 David Christopher Lewis. We are all part of the sacred formula to
establish God's Kingdom upon Earth and for the Aquarian Age.  
     This formula consists of many smaller alchemical formulas that are
  already being manifested and outplayed through Aquarian prayer
     and meditation, live online services, conferences, pilgrimages, and
numerous Meru University spiritual courses for
Divine Direction => Self Correction.

Geometric Ordered Divinity 
G.O.D.~ Constitution)

A Universal Interface for Global
Full Spectrum Enlightenment
via ‘Law of the Angles and
Language of the Angels
at the Heart of 5D TLC;
Worldwide Wholness
with Holistic Healing.

  TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscienceTeLeCare and

We can either sustain fearless faith in the
 image and likeness of G.O.D.~,
or we can succumb to faithless fear and
 victim dictum as surrenders sovereignty.

So Keep the Faith, See the Good,
and Make it So!
~ Christopher