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By Christopher Rudy
Sooner or later, the old order will evolve into a new order, one way or the other.  It's not foreordained or otherwise etched in stone, which "order" that will be.  Man has free will -- each to their own.  True servant leaders represent the highest and best aspirations of humanity.  They define the problem and lead us out of them.
The low-end of free will is always the "paradigm paralysis" (victim dictum) that gets along by going along with wolves in sheep's clothing intent on fleecing the sheople.  Conversely, the high end of free will embraces the sovereign rights based on Divine Rights as will evolve the core
"mediation" process of the instant-everywhere-interactive MEDIA in more intelligent ways... with a heart.

The economy is under attack for the same reason the media is afflicted.  The fleecing of the truth and fleecing of the economy is inseparable.  An economy based on lies is bankrupt.  It's just another "weapon of mass deception" used to further the agenda of wolves who continue to provide "solutions" that compound the core problem... stripping the economy of all value in the process. 
Obviously, the beginning of a New World of Internet media freedom is the end of the Old World of the "Big Lie " (Grand Illusion).  Truth is indeed a challenge to those government-media forces that hide behind a mask of "truth-tellers" but live the Big Lie.  The truth of this betrayal of all that Americans hold sacred is also a challenge for those who live by the boob tube and believe the lies.  As the scripture says in response to willful ignorance, "their dam-nation is just" -- creating a "dammed nation" where self-deceit, denial and destruction are conditioned at the expense of enlightened awareness of the healing process needed.
True servant leaders who are Truth-based are fearless in their faith.  They know the test of modern civilization is to evolve with truth and love that checks deceit and fear.  They know that the dark night will end as "more light" on the core media problem brings people out of denial, especially when a clear vision of the core media solution is highlighted.
It's one thing to know that information overload and cultural shock from 9-11 trauma is numbing the mind of many Americans.  It's quite another thing to be so clear on the solution that one is compelled to support it in full faith that the healing will begin.
That solution is a critical mass of awakening in the collective conscience of humanity.  This awakening begins with awareness of the problem with mainstream media propaganda.  But more so, true awakening is exalted through a definitive vision of the solution for holistic healing of the "nervous system" of humanity -- the New Media system of "
mediation" called "web 2.0" (
Fearless faith in divine rights is the real casualty when the warmongers feed on faithless fear in the name of "security".  As wise old Ben Franklin said, we will lose both freedom and security when we head down the slippery slope that surrenders freedom for security.  Yet that self-sabotage message is incessantly drilled into the consciousness of the public by the mainstream media. Without vision of the solution to this core problem, the only "self-evident" truth is the self-destructive problem that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; the people perish.
Enlightened people -- those who conceive and believe a global
model whereby a New Enlightenment is achieved -- understand all this.  They understand the mind-control vested interests of the special interests represented in the mainstream media.  They understand how fear is programmed at the expense of faith.  They see how denial of truth is charged with fear -- how  "selective memory" is fear-frozen.  And why people can't see the solution while frozen in denial of the problem.
It is faith in a Higher Power that is under attack.  A truly enlightened person doesn't surrender true faith in the face of fear. They understand how even the concept of "faith-based initiates" is inverted, subverted or otherwise co-opted by the REAL terrorists to create subservient loyalty to endless war "Belief Systems" (BS) that "the faithful" believe religiously for a "fraction of the action" (payola) from "compassionate conservatism".
The wolves will say and do anything to keep their "sheople mask" in place.  They will continue to pull the wool over the eyes of mindless sheople.  But true leaders know we must be wise as the serpents as well as harmless as doves.  And wisdom is what wise dominion does -- exposing the Big Lie in context of the Whole Truth -- calling a spade a spade.  And doing what the poor in Spirit are not able or willing to do.
The fallen ones who lack "Higher Power" create false faith as the solution to false fears. Subservience to "poor intelligence" in government is compounded by even poorer intelligence...  that wants everyone as numb and dumb as it is.  They live in constant fear that they will be exposed as the REAL terrorists behind the 9-11 Pearl Harbor.  And they want everyone to suffer "FUD and DUH" that keeps the blinders on. (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt and Dummies Unconscious and Heartless)
The enlightened public KNOWS these terrorists will do anything to maintain power. They created the 9-11 psychotic break in the minds of Americans for the ultimate "mind control" (suspension of reality) that overlooked the overt stealing of the election with rigged voted machines.  That was their prelude to their creation of the endless war on terror to begin suspending the Constitution with war powers that were never authorized with a Congressional declaration of war as required by law. 

This slippery slope down the road of tyranny just gets worse if people don't get a grip on reality and network articles like this far and wide... while the Internet is yet free and open.  That doesn't cost anything.  But the price to pay -- if we don't -- is abject tyranny.
It's now well known that the Patriot Act was drafted BEFORE 9-11 just as the Iraq attack was planned long before 9-11.  All part and parcel of the Big Lie of wag-the-dog terror and tyranny tactics used to bomb the hell out of truth and resistance to fear-based lies.  When we finally come out of "shock and awe" we will conceive and believe what the New Media can achieve.

The U.S. crisis is at a critical point.  The forces behind that crisis have used the media to expand it on purpose... just as they have always used war, disease, and economic crisis to leverage "solutions" that consolidate their power and control.

Read the following "23 Reasons" why the old economic order of "scarcity economics" is on the verge of collapse.  And keep in mind that the REAL SOLUTION -- for transition to a New Economy based on
abundant Virtue and Truth in the New Media -- is the REAL action plan needed at this critical hour of Earth's evolution

From a netizen journalist addressing the economic crisis in a letter to the editor of USA Today, in response to a typical superficial editorial on the "problem" with the economy:
Let me list the facts.  Check them out yourselves.
  1.  Bush et al has grown the current government in 5 years by over 23% from any previous administration.
  2.  There are 21 million employees of tax payer funded government services.  That is exactly the same number as the entire manufacturing base of this nation.
  3.  Consider what happened to all the money the baby boomers put into the system including those that have died already and where are the investments to make it grow?  Who spent it and why is it not available to them?
  4.  How come we are paying billions in interest on the debt and not obtaining interest on all the deposits of monies we have on deposit with the banks from various tax revenues?
  5.  What about all the NO BID CONTRACTS that are raping and pillaging our tax dollars in Iraq and for Katrina, Rita, Wilma? 
  6.  What about the subsidies that were passed to give tax dollars to the oil companies to aid in building refineries when they have record breaking profits???
  7.  What about the trillions in tax breaks for all the various corporations that are the biggest ever?
  8.  What about the moving of industries that were our greatest tax revenue generating industries, to overseas locations with impunity?  This started with Bush in the 80's and finished up with Bush the son in the past 4 years.   They destroyed our tax base along with other affected communities and businesses that generate revenues for gov. expenditures through small business profits, wages and investments.
  9.  What about Cheney's secret energy policy written by the oil companies?   That has cost government in gas, as well as the pentagon and military and this winter.  That was a bogus crisis, since the obscene profits prove it.   There was no shortage, only gouging and profiteering. ["Peak Oil" is a scam to sell artificial scarcity. -CR]
  10.  What about the 1 trillion dollars that was reported missing from the pentagon by the GAO office who investigates gov. wrong doing?  Where is the beef?
  11.  What about the recent disclosure that the Pentagon in its "no bid" mind set is spending 15 times the value for pieces of equipment and supplies?
  12.  What about the 12 border stations we built in Afghanistan at $300,000 a piece to protect drug running, while we leave our borders unprotected?
  13.  What about the 14 permanent bases being built in Iraq?  We are paying for those.
  14.  What about the oil revenues to Iraq that we are slant drilling out of Kuwait and selling?  Where are those revenues to replace the money we are spending there?  That alone should be enough to free up our tax dollars in Iraq.
  15.  What about the government prevention of obtaining gov financed medicines from countries at 2/3rds lower price (Canada) that are manufactured by our drug companies?  So we have a budget deficit so these drug companies can make obscene profits.
  16.  What about all the pensions funds that these corporations are defaulting on, retaining their profits, held not accountable and the tax payer picks up the bill???  Why is that! 
  17.  Subsidizing airlines as a form of corporate welfare.  I am a small business owner and no one subsidizes me.  If I go down through bad management and bad decisions no one will give me a hand out.  I simply disappear.  That is what they should be doing.
  18.  You didn't talk about the billions in soc sec funds being shipped to Mexico for the ILLEGALS who worked here illegally and didn't pay into the system?  How come the media doesn't mention all this?  They get better terms than those baby boomers who paid in (HAD TO PAY IN TO QUALIFY TO RECEIVE THE BENEFITS) a huge chuck of their income over those many years.
  19. You didn't mention the huge bucks Bush paid for bogus reporters to shill his positions, remember Williams? Remember all the videos that were sent to various news agencies???  How come the media doesn't mention that?  Same with the so called "reporters" who were to shill his "every child left behind" program. 
  20.  You didn't mention the failed star wars program that has cost the tax payers close to a trillion dollars and has not yet ever had a successful test. [breakthrough anti-gravity and free-energy technologies have been developed but suppressed from public awareness or use in order to sustain the population reduction and control agenda of the elite. -CR]
  21. You didn't mention the funds to fly chemtrails over various urban areas that was finally disclosed by the Las Vegas Tribune.  And the huge cost of that?  Maybe if you stopped that we could have quite a few billion in savings and in medical costs from the illnesses those damn things cause.
  22.  You didn't mention the billions and billions spent on various vaccines that we never needed like anthrax, small pox (remember the pic of the pres taking it in the arm?) and finally tamiflu that has just killed 12 or 14 teens who took it in Japan.   Now true, Rumsfeld makes a killing on it, but we are stuck with the tax bill for their friends again.
  23.  You didn't mention that 50% of our foreign aid budget goes to Israel which is the least effective ally we have and needs the funds less than any one.  They could just make peace with their neighbors and we wouldn't have to send all that money.  If a country can't protect itself on its own it needs to go away. 
  There is much more but I am running out of time and I doubt you will read all of this anyway, but you really want to do a good Pulitzer prize piece, then do some REAL REPORTING on how we got here.  Many of us watched as they turned a budget surplus into a budget deficit and knew their policies would crash the economy.
The wall of lies is crumbling.  Whether that wall falls on the wolves in sheep's clothing -- or the American public -- depends on whether enough enlightened people both prepare and respond with TRUE FAITH from the
"top down":


SPIRITUALLY:  Pray for discernment for self and civilization.  The power of prayer -- THE FIERY WILL for divine direction, perfection and protection -- is the prelude of revelation.  Powerful prayer fields are created through expectation and anticipation of divine solutions.  We are what we "BE-LIVE" (BELIEVE) having become what we "BE-LIVED" (BELIEVED).   Given the Spirit of Love-in-action -- the greater LOVE that is for-giving -- God is alive and well.  This is the quintessence of Faith that is winning from the beginning.  Envision a LOVE-centric solution to the deceitful fear-based media. Prepare your heart and mind with the frequency of compassion and the blueprint for a Golden Age.  Keep the faith -- Love will prevail over those who are love-challenged. 
MENTALLY:  Keep in mind that this is the "graduation test" for self and civilization.  Whether you believe the veil is thinning due to Earth's entering the highly charged Photon belt in the sector of Aquarius -- or not -- the fact remains, the collective conscience of humanity is still going through a profound POWERSHIFT as the instant-everywhere-interactive capability of the Internet challenges the lock-step, command-and-control martial law mindset of the dark side of the force.  Remember that the "Mind of G.O.D." (Geometrically Ordered Divinity) follows from the spiritual heart of compassion.  We are what we THINK in heart and mind, having become what we THOUGHT.  Use it -- conscientious reasoning -- or lose it to the pervasive influence of the mainstream mass media mind control matrix.  And above all -- in your higher mental body -- understand the natural evolution of the Internet that will culture the World Wide Web with the "InnerNet" web of Light and Love.
PHYSICALLY:  We are what we DO, having become what we DID.  Old habits die hard when DOING is not connected to BEING as in BE-IN-God (living Love).  Breaking the old habits cultured by the corrupt influence of profiteering plutocrat potentates behind public education, mainstream media, a sick "health care" system and the bankrupting endless war insanity has ONE determining factor -- enlightened ACTION.  Affirmation of Spiritual discernment is most important.  Confirmation with higher mental understanding naturally follows.  But honoring the Truth of Spirit with higher conscience requires DETERMINATION to act with honor and ACTION.  Striking at the root of the global problem is more than just exposing the manipulation of the hearts and minds of "We the People" through corrupt media. It is moreso exposing and developing a definitive vision for healing the media with an electronic instant-everywhere interactive upgrade of our core Bill of Rights at the heart of the Constitution.
ECONOMICALLY:  Abundant Truth and Love is the heart of the Abundant Life and the New Economy.  The fruits of the oxymoronic "economics of scarcity" should be self-evident as it self-destructs before our eyes.  Equally self-evident  -- to enlightened Netizens of our global village -- is how the Next Economy will be cultured through the New Media that centers and connects the
mediation process via ABUNDANT Truth and Love.  Those who invest in this process -- The Legacy Project -- will be rewarded far beyond the trinkets and babbles of this world.  So get the Spiritual Vision, embrace the conceptual virtue, commit with determined action, and be winning from the beginning through the investment of your heart, mind and soul that claims the victory of global LOVE-in-action.  Those who give their light, love and life for this cause will graduate from this "test that's best" with the Abundant Life as their self-fulfilling prophecy.  Those who try to save their lives via faithless fear of the Liar and his lies will have their reward, going to the same dark place reserved for the dark side of the force.  Abundant Love has always been the Great Law at the heart of evolutionary ascent. It's the currency of "Net worth" at the LOVE-centric heart of the new Net-centric economy.  Ask not what the world can do for you; ask how you can contribute to make a difference if not THE difference. It's a CAN DO if you WANT TO -- see . Bank on it.  DO what you CAN because YOU CAN!
All Ways Victory When We LOVE Enough,

- Christopher
Please forward this post far and wide.
For more on the American Crisis read:

You can find and in-depth article with a more definitive
exposure of problem and solution at .

  You can visualize the type of world you want to see at
"The Legacy Project": .

And you can "link the light" of lightworkers with all the above.
You never know who will make a difference if not THE difference.

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"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.
 We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
- Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
 With Heartware (Love Model) as the rule
 - the InnerNet heart of the global Internet -
 LOVE rules!
 To love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul,
  and your Netizen neighbor in our Global Village as thyself.