Christmas Letter to Family and Friends

Blessings to You and Yours in the Christmas Spirit
Christ Mass and Wondrous Joy.

It's been a wonderful year in a wonderful life, and at 73,
 it's a wonder I'm still alive! (Hallelujah chorus - 4 min)

Thanks to consistent 'dance therapy' - and neuroplasticity of the brain - I've largely recovered from brain surgery as well as this year's experience with eye surgery, hand surgery and teeth extraction; still have the important ones:)

So I'm a 'wounded healer' these days, working on the front lines of the InnerNet as a netizen journalist and metaphysician with my finger on the pulse of the Internet.

That's kept me busy all year, curating videos and articles of the week that you won't see in lamestream media. My 65 newsletter compendiums are archived at the 2022 Great Turn-Around Series. And my wrap-up for the year is at Christ Mass Awakening.

Except for two replays, I've continued livestreaming my bi-weekly Cosmic show to 63 countries - my 15th year. Podcasts are archived at BBSradio/CosmicLove.

My next show is on New Year's Eve when I introduce the 2023 Thoughtform PROCESS of the Year - Mainstream Awakening. Imagine that - predictive modeling with Aquarian Light and :)

It's a work of , going back 50 years to my experience of 'cosmic consciousness' as documented in my photo-journal story, On the Path of God and Country.

22 years ago I started up Natural Life News that Denis Ouellette has brilliantly managed all these years up to the last print issue for Sept-Oct 2022. I've been a regular writer for this magazine - that's why I created it:) And Denis graciously gave me the last page of the last print issue. Plus, I'm a feature writer in the new Natural Life News e-zine... now online with a global reach via: Free subscription sent every other month. My Jan-Feb 2023 article is on affordable stem cell therapy with often miraculous benefits.

As I've been saying since the beginning of the plandemic psy-op: 'Fear is the virus.   is the cure'. Fearless faith in the ordained Power of Love naturally neutralizes faithless fear of power elite potentates possessed with an inordinate love of power.

So Great Awakening comes with Great Tribulations.
It goes with the 'territory' (psychological terrain).
The dark-side fears 'public enlightenment'
(mass up-wising and up-rising).

As Aquarian frequency shift surges, the 'lockstep' (authoritarian) paradigm paralysis purges; the enlightened High State naturally transcends and 'transmutes' (resets) the dark-side Deep State.

The Good News of the year is the Great Awakening of global 'Netizens' who are networking for the Net worth of Net reality - what's really going on with enlightened reset of core social, political and economic institutions.

So we've arrived just in time for the 2023 MAINSTREAM AWAKENING. This is the whole point of our conscious evolution - Revelations Now - whereby Aquarian communities are emerging in global social networks; a Big Shift to intolerance for Big Lie propaganda; the Whole Truth decimating the Big Lie of Deep State disinfo; cooperative communications bridging contrived divisions.

Victory virtues are overcoming victim dictum. And social conscience is matriculating the matrix of 'Net reality' in global social networks.

A new 'Unity State' is transcending the Deep State of corporate powers adverse to Constitutional principle. I see personal and planetary win/win with the upwising and up-rising of all 'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth. It's a global issue now, not unlike the dynamic rEVOLUTION that birthed the United States.

I'm optimistic that servant leaders will empower the wisdom of at the heart of Global TeLeComm and TeLeCare - TLC keys to Aquarian unity in diversity.

2023 may be much different than you imagined, and yet more wondrous than you ever hoped for.

So Keep the Faith, See the Good, and
Have a Wonderful Year!