The Movement with No Name


“God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.”



By Christopher Rudy


There is a huge movement reshaping the fabric of global civilization.  Change has always been the only permanent condition, but the rate of change has been accelerating rapidly the last decade.  This is primarily due to the instant-everywhere-interactive nature of the Internet. 


Time and space have been eliminated. Virtually all knowledge power is at our search engine fingertips.  The mysteries of an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent “collective conscience” is becoming known to many who have experienced the full implications of “Net reality”.


This is THE MOVEMENT with a thousand faces and no name.  It is open and free rather than closed and tyrannical. It is decentralized, grass-roots and representative of indigenous culture, social justice, kinship and community. It is non-ideological, non-sectarian and non-political. It does not seek power. It seeks to dismantle power.  What makes it powerful is its underlying vision, virtue and heart – the heart of unity in diversity, peace rather than war and truth rather then deception.


It is the Movement beyond entrenched special interests vying for power to a system of self-governance that speaks a more universal language.  This language will make possible a Space Age upgrade of our horse-and-buggy representation systems. It will finish what U.S. Founders began locally in the new “global village” reality of instant-everywhere-interactive capabilities.


In short, it is the choice for love that is both personal and planetary wholeness, healing and salvation.  As the famous historian Arnold Toynbee said, “Love is the ultimate force that makes for the saving choice of life and good against the damning choice of death and evil.  Therefore the first hope in our inventory must be the hope that love is going to have the last word.”


Such global grass-roots power is a challenge to the PTB (Powers That Be).  To the extent that the new Net reality has empowered knowledge – specifically the abuse of power by the power elite – power struggles over government, media and the mind of man have accelerated.  Lies and propaganda at the highest level have betrayed the purpose for which government and media exist.


It’s the greatest irony of our time – that while there is abundant knowledge for abundant free energy, abundant truth-telling, abundant technologies for healing all disease, and abundant genius to heal all our social, political and economic institution – the Big Lies of provocateur government terror war, oil dependence, flu pandemics, economic crisis, etc., are incessantly programmed as “reality” in the mainstream media.


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people
 from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.  It thus
 becomes vitally important for the State to use all its powers to repress dissent,
 for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension,
the truth becomes the mortal enemy of the State."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister


“Not since Dr Goebbels in the 1940's has the Western public been subjected to such daily repeated lies right across the news media about Iran, the Western plutocrats' latest 'rogue state'. In an incredible feat of myopia, the BBC scrupulously fails to mention that Iran is keeping to the letter of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Israel with its bristling nuclear arsenal still refuses to sign.” -- From:, Bilderberg 2006 and the Killers of Freedom


The Big Lie was never bigger than the same fear-mongering which got us into Iraq and we now see in instant replay for attacking Iran.  “For heaven's sake, the administration is employing the same tactics it used to justify the war against Iraq – refusal to negotiate, lies, disinformation, and demonization of the Iranian leader. Are we going to fall for the exact same con job all over again? If so, we are far too dumb to be trusted near a voting booth.” – Charley Reese, June 1st article at


Within the inexorable context of the massive current of change reshaping civilization, the ultimate meaning of survival of all that we hold sacred is challenged.  The challenge is not only from the REAL terrorists within the gates of our government and media, but also “between our ears” – our perception of that challenge and courage to meet it.


Overcoming that challenge is the heart of the global grass-roots MOVEMENT.  It is the heart of purpose – the purpose of heart -- championed by ALL who love truth and freedom.  Indeed, it is the ultimate struggle for the survival of the Spirit that matters -- what we “worth-ship” (worship) above all. 


This is the global Movement “on Earth” (locally) “as in Heaven” (universally).  Heaven knows, it doesn’t get any better than this – the test that’s best – where it’s all a matter of “higher mind” (in Spirit) over matter.  What a great time to be alive!


In a free-will universe with infinite opportunity to express freedom, THE MOVEMENT is ultimately defined and refined by our choices.  The greatest power the MOVEMENT has is in the power to choose “victory virtues” (faith) that overcomes “victim dictum” (fear).  Or as Abe Lincoln said so well, “To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards of men.”


Some choose to see only the problem with the opportunity for any change from “the system” as is. Typically, they are followers that Mark Twain humorously addressed when he said, “We are discreet sheep; we watch which way the drove is going and then we follow the drove.” Conversely, the change agents of THE MOVEMENT see the opportunity for solving all our global problems in whole or at least part.


The Constitution of the Movement


Defining and refining THE MOVEMENT is an integral function of combining and shining the pure intent of those who sense it, feel it, think it through, and live it.  Tangibles of money and power have little meaning in the grand scheme of this MOVEMENT.  Profit is seen in the intangibles spoken of by the Prophets East and West.


The Spirit that matters has many words to describe THE MOVEMENT but that Spirit and those words have little meaning to those who utilize power, mind control and terror tactics for totalitarian tyranny.  It is discernment  - the wisdom of the heart – that distinguishes THE MOVEMENT to genuine freedom worldwide.


Billions of dollars are spent producing fake news -- mainstream manipulative propaganda -- that much of the public believes religiously. Words and laws are so often spin-doctored and corrupted by the PTB that people worldwide have been torn between what they want to believe and what is actually happening. 


The disconnect between reality and the “BS” (Belief Systems) of cherished illusion has grown so wide and deep that the core freedom of INFORMED CHOICE – the use of media in “free and open” elections – has been as corrupted as the rigged elections in the U.S


The fact that this abject betrayal of American government is not exposed or challenged by the highly centralized and controlled “embedded media” – in bed with the PTB – is the reason why the highly decentralized grass-roots MOVEMENT is gaining strength worldwide.


It’s the natural consequence of “checks and balances” through Net reality in our ALL-connected world.  The free world is awakening to clear signs of an encroaching police state in America.  And reasonable people are working to correct the wrongs.


In response to the systemic culture of corruption in the U.S. and worldwide, THE MOVEMENT is rediscovering the importance of making a stand for the first principles championed by U.S. Founders at the heart of the Constitution.


Two recent articles on this subject:


Sidney Blumenthal | A State of Emergency
"Bush is
a danger to the Constitution in his wartime capacity as Commander in Chief," writes Sidney Blumenthal.


William Norman Grigg | The Constitution Under Attack

"The process of discovery brought something much more dangerous and frightening to my attention - now I bring it to yours."


As a result of much Netizen journalism and citizen activism, the Movement with no name is increasingly “transforming the matrix of reality” in ways unique to the soul contract of each individual.


Believing is seeing what THE MOVEMENT has in common – the COMMON SENSE that is uncommon to money-power politics, which profit at the expense of the Prophets. The REAL test for planetary rEVOLUTION at this important stage of global transformation is the transcending of “BS” (Belief Systems) based on cherished illusion and self-delusion over “reality” itself.


The Global Equation as Light Meets Darkness


“The light shineth in the darkness but
 the darkness comprehendeth it not.”


The global evolutionary ascent MOVEMENT is personal yet in the impersonal way that gets little media attention.  It is planetary in the way that the increasing light of cosmic cycles are naturally transforming darkness in the world and transforming our individual and collective DNA and consequent consciousness.


I can’t emphasize this enough and highly recommend you read the compendium of excerpts and quotes at  If we are to individually and collectively fulfill our destiny  -- the process of overcoming counterproductive Belief Systems – consider the following quote from this compendium:


“In the eternal life of the soul, ascension is spiritual growth, soul evolvement,
and each soul experiences this in many places in the universe while
"ascending" into the Oneness of All -- a return to our Beginning.”

[more on the "soul matrix" at ]


BOTTOM LINE: More Love Equals Less War


The movement with no name is gathering momentum, reaching critical mass and bursting on the world scene in many ways that are transforming civilization.


This is the Movement that defines, refines, combines (synergizes) and shines our God-given gifts and talents -- the pure intent of The LOVE Network


May Toynbee’s words be prophetic, “…that love is going to have the last word.”


-         Christopher


"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and
love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."

 -- Mahatma Gandhi




Profits without principle is piracy.
Law without freedom is tyranny.
The one leads to the other just as surely as
freedom without law is anarchy.
Only wisdom in the power of LOVE
will check and balance the love of power
that denies, discredits and delays
the holy Spirit of compassion in action.

- CR




 Live Free ~ Think Freely ~ Love with All your Heart and Mind and Soul.
  Know Your Divine Rights of, by and for a Free and Honorable Conscience.
Network for the Net worth of Genuine Freedom that Empowers Wisdom.
   Support the LOVE Network to Reboot Net Realty with the Power of LOVE.

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.
We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
- Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

CopyRound 2006
Worldwide LOVE Foundation
 all rights well-rounded

the heart & mind of
 High touch
HEART of high tech
 With a higher understanding of LOVE
 Defining, Refining, Combining and Shining
Our God-given Gifts and Talents via Net Standards
For a New Economy based on LOVE-centric Net Worth.
Understanding the "Law of the Angles of G.O.D." (Geometry Of Divinity)
 That frames the "Language of the Angels of LOVE" (Spirit of the Law)


To love with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul,
 and your Netizen neighbor in our Global Village as thyself.