GeoNotes News Updates

Friday July 17th, 2009

by Christopher Rudy, Editor
GeoNotes News


Web Page Upgrades

Graphics and copy editing have been upgraded at the Summer Solstice update, the July 4th “Global Independence” update, and the recent update, “Emerging Global Order in a Tangled Web of Confusion”.

Show Guest on "Cosmic LOVE" is “Be Prepared” Expert, Denis Korn

“Be Prepared” is more than the Boy Scout motto.  Preparedness is the forward-thinking vision that prepares the mind, heart and soul for lessons in life that may be very difficult.  Personally, I would like to believe that a global revolution in higher consciousness will represent a Higher Power in our consciousness, BEING and world-at-large.  Some people don’t believe that will happen.  Perhaps they are right… if enough good people don’t do enough to make it so.

There is no need to prepare for what's coming upon Earth -- "Global Judgment" -- if you are already prepared for come what may.  As you know from previous articles, big changes are coming, ready or not.  If the economic downturn doesn’t turn around soon, and if it is your pure intention to survive and thrive, you may be interested in the July 18th radio talk show on Cosmic Love with the founder of Alpine Aire Foods and Prepare Direct - his new website.  Denis Korn is a long-time leader in the preparedness industry.

I highly recommend you read his article The 10 Essential Questions to Answer at the Beginning of Your Preparedness Planning Process

For those ordering preparedness supplies before the end of July, coupon code #709 at checkout will give you a 5% discount on all purchases at Denis's
Prepare Direct website.

Global rEVOLUTION in Higher Consciousness / Vision, Prayer and Meditation
(Hope and pray for the best.)

Mankind has free will so global change – like freedom – can be a messy affair.  Old systems become dysfunctional with dis-ease and dying as new systems emerge that make the old systems obsolete.  This is the natural cycle of birth, death and rebirth that is also true for social institutions and civilizations at large. 

At the heart of this process -- in the eternal scheme of things -- is "Nature's God"; divine order and harmony. It is the angels of our better nature as the nature of God-in-man that transforms man unto Godlike spiritual qualities of LOVE… the virtue of “TLC” as a vision for healing, prayer as the pure intention of "TLC", and meditation as "TLC"-in-action to make it so.


 Global TeLeComm with Heartware

·       What it looks like and how it naturally cultures TeLeComm~unity;
Self government as global
TeLeComm for unity in diversity;
What’s good for each one is good for all of “US”;
United Sovereigns in a global village.

·       Mass-to-mass communications of, by and for TeLeConscience;
Self education as global
TeLeComm for mentoring of conscience;
Heartware™ as the 4th wave in the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION
  after hardware (IBM), software (Microsoft) and netware (Netscape).

Heartware™ as an interactive interface for
TeLeConscience, framed by
the language of consciousness as will
involve and evolve our individual and
collective conscience.

·       Mass-to-mass communications that culture holistic TeLeCare;
Self healing through global
TeLeComm for holistic healing;
Heartware™ for informed choice with Internet capabilities
of holistic analysis, prevention and treatment of disease.

Heartware™ as an interactive database for
TeLeCare based on a
self-perfecting database that shows
what is working best for optimizing
holistic health.

·       Mass-to-mass communications that empower ethical TeLeCommerce;
Self employment with global
TeLeComm for owning your own life;
     Heartware™ as the evolution of business based on the
business of evolution in our systems of commerce.

Heartware™ as a model of cyberEthics mediating
TeLeCommerce TeLeConferences
(or for TeLeCare or any TeLeCommunity assembly)
with capabilities for real time mass-to-mass
response ability that cultures responsibility for
abundant  healthy  conscience.

Defining, Refining, Combining (synergizing) and Shining
  the Next Big Thing in the Computer/Internet rEVOLUTION.

·       Self Government  -  TeLeCommunity for Unity in Diversity;

·       Self Learning - TeLeConscience for Education of the Heart;

·       Self Healing - TeLeCare for Holistic Healing of Health Care;

·       Self Employment -  TeLeCommerce for the Next Economy.



“May the thoughts in my mind and the meditations of my heart
and the words on my lips represent the loving kindness
that blind men can see, deaf men can hear, and
the poor in spirit are blessed to experience.”


[Repeat in heart, mind and soul until memorized, realized or otherwise actualized.]

God is Nature – the Nature of Love – where I Am

God is Nature – the Nature of Love – where I Am.
I Am the light of the heart where I Am.
I Am shining in the darkness of being by BEING all I Am.
I Am changing All That Is into the golden treasury
of abundant healing conscience where I Am.
I Am the mind of Christ-I Am-In-God-Love.
I Am networking my Love out into the world
to erase all errors and breakdown all barriers
for more Love as the I Am Presence of
abundant healthy conscience.

Make it so!

I Am,
One for All.
Holistic Visionary
Editor, GeoNotes News
Publisher, HEARTcom Network
Host, BBS Radio Show, Cosmic Love
Author, Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
Promoter, Global Upwising ~ Global Independence



Bottom Line

Immunity Fortitude Beats Flu Fear

Your best defense against sickness is a strong immune system.

 Vitamins A, D and C are huge for viral immunity and flu prevention.  The other most critical supplement is a breakthrough "SBO" product  called “Prescript-Assist” that cleans up the biological terrain of the body by detoxifying the colon which feeds the whole body.  A healthy non-toxic gut leads to non-specific immunity against all disease.

 The other most important supplement for a high white blood count and strong immunity is the Swedish Pollen Extract.

Build healthy immunity to prevent systemic disease.

For a 5% discount on Preparedness Supplies,
go to