An Apology to Readers of the Livingston Enterprise

It is always difficult to find out that something we believed to be true proves to be false. Or that authorities we trusted, turn out to be corrupt. That cognitive dissonance takes time to process from initial denial to mature realization. Hopefully we've matured enough by now.

I have not written a letter to the editor since I did a series of letters at the beginning of Covid that got me censored for challenging the official narrative that we now know was false.

The vaccines are not safe and effective. They don't prevent infection or transmission. And they are killing people. Lots of people. Plus a massive list of life-crippling side effects that doctors knew - included with warnings on inserts that came with their stock of vaccines.
Did they tell you that when you got your shot? Or assure you it was safe?

So I'm sorry I was silenced. What happened was tragic. The authorities lied and people died; millions of them worldwide. They are still dying - mass pharmacide - believe it or not.

Wrap your head around this - it's not about health. There's no money for the medical-industrial complex from healthy people. But get them sick from these new experimental 'gene therapy' vaccines - as described on their own websites - and you've got many new patients requiring drugs for the serious side-effects.

As Robert Kennedy Jr. says in his best-selling book, 'The Real Anthony Fauci - Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health':
"The vaccine companies are making $60 billion a year selling mandatory vaccines. They're also making $500 billion a year selling epi pens, inhalers, anti-seizure medications, diabetes and arthritis meds, etc. Virtually all of the medication they sell are targeted to treat diseases that are listed as SIDE EFFECTS of the vaccines on their own manufacturing inserts. It's the perfect business model. They make us all sick and create lifetime customers."

Think about that folks. Profits in the billions of dollars were the driving-force behind this diabolical agenda. What we are witnessing is a crime against humanity on an unprecedented scale, affecting the lives of the entire population of our planet.

The only good I see coming out of this in-our-face health tyranny is mass awakening to the shocking revelation that Big Pharma virtually owns Big Media and they are literally making a killing on the creation and treatment of disease.

I've had an Internet radio show for 15 years, and I lost thousands of subscribers to my online newsletter at the beginning of Covid when I featured world-class medical experts who explained with REAL science why the lockdowns, masking and vaccines were doing more harm than good.

I get it. The Big Media Big Lie was so BIG and so bold and so often told that the trusting masses believed it. No one wants to believe that our government, medical science, and mainstream media were all hijacked by disease profiteers with pharmacidal intent.

It is well documented that the health care power elite conducted Covid simulation exercises - Event 201 - right before the plandemic. So this was a massive crime with premeditated intent.

It's not a conspiracy. It's 'just business' with giant corporations colluding with Big Government. Corporate law validates that corp stakeholder interests come before those of the public when profits are at stake. This is in direct conflict with sovereign rights of, by and for the people - ALL people.
This is a global Right to Life issue. Without health sovereignty - to own our own bodies - all other freedoms mean little.

Our health care system has been weaponized with disease care incentives that put profits before people. It's killing us with a eugenics rationale of the perpetrators.

Forgive me if I sound blasphemous. Surgeons have saved my life and repaired my body on several occasions. I'm talking about criminal drug profiteeing at the highest levels.

If you're reading this letter, you can thank the Livingston Enterprise for keeping our bedrock Constitutional freedom of speech alive and well.

As we celebrate the Revolution this July 4th, remember what it stands for. Democracy can be messy, but well-informed choice sure beats abject propaganda, vaccine mandates and censorship of dissent.

Or as RFK Jr. recently said, "There is no time in history when the people who were censoring speech were the good guys."

"Just obeying orders" didn't hold up at the Nuremberg trial of Nazi war criminals. And it's no excuse now.

Forgive me if this offends you in any way. It's just food for thought for the truly thoughtful.

In the Spirit of Global rEVOLUTION Revelations,

Christopher Rudy

   Christopher L. Rudy (bio) is in his 15th year as co-producer
and host of BBS Radio's Cosmic Love Show and Podcast.   
 He co-founded Natural Life News in 2000, and is currently a
     feature writer of the online publication at