Happy Birthday America!



*HONOR:  Courage to Acknowledge Truth and Empower Love

  Honesty is still the best policy and truth is still simple; love still heals all.


By Christopher Rudy



Without the true Spirit of the 4th of July,
we forget the principle for which it stands,
we lose devotion to that principle and
empty symbolism takes the place of
true patriotism.


“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated
 and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him,
for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”

- Mark Twain, Notebook, 1904


Many Americans and people worldwide are well aware of the conspicuous corruption of politicians who have sold out to the principle of profits before people, deception before truth, might over right, and power at any price.


The solution is simple enough. It begins with conscientious patriotism that honors the truth of greater freedom in the Spirit of '76.


True patriotism is a good thing.  Every July 4th, truly conscientious patriots will celebrate the Revolutionary Spirit that overcame the terror and tyranny tactics of power elite tyrants running the evil empire of King George.  Not the evil empire of George Bush ya dummyJ  I’m talking King George of England who wanted to own and control us -- lock, stock and barrel.  Or at least an inordinate fraction of the action.


Not that true patriots don’t have an issue with the abuse of power in government now.  They do.  Congress has betrayed the Spirit of '76 they are supposed to represent. I'll go into that.


After all, July 4th is when we celebrate our Revolutionary heritage.


What true patriot would stand for the corrupt practice of war profiteering, treasury bankrupting and tyranny tactics that tell us to “hold the course” – don’t “cut and run” -- from a plot out of hell to make American subservient to a cabal of powerful corporations who equate the health of the country with their profits for stockholders?


Consider the plight of the early Americans when they were invaded by foreign troops who were enforcing the dictates of King George.  How do you think they felt with the burning of their homes, killing of their families and stealing of their food?  How courageous were the signers of the Declaration of Independence, knowing they were considered treasonous by the Crown and could face the hangman's noose as did many?


They made a stand for the principle of July 4th.  They had to organize and fight a grass-roots war against those tyrants. Honor meant something then. “Give me freedom or give me death” meant something. “Either we all hang together or we will all hang separately” meant something.  True patriots always love freedom enough to risk their lives for it.


The invasion of America may have been business as usual for the King’s corporate interest in profits, but that type of corporate self-interest today betrays those who fought and died to be INDEPENDENT from such corruption.  True patriots honor the spirit of freedom that says to all such tyranny, “Love the principle for which America stands, or leave it.” 


That’s how many Americans felt about the Redcoats then and that’s how many Americans feel about the War Party occupying Capitol Hill now.  We can talk about “failed policies” all we want in America but the cause and core failed policy is a system of government that is supposed to represent “We the People” but instead has been usurped by giant corporations who have bought off our representatives. Call it a lack of honor for greater love of, by and for the Spirit of July 4th.


Even though the first victim of unwarranted war is typically the truth -- abused to justify war -- honor is always the collateral damage.  Without honor, we lose heart, love for the truth, and courage to honor the truth of greater love.  Cowardice of conscience fills the void, and it the nature of its cowardice is denial of greater love and the real meaning of “fireworks”.  Without the fiery Spirit of July 4th, symbolic trappings have superficial meaning.


Lack of greater LOVE – not the love of things or a selfish comfort zone -– is fearless faith in what is best for all.  The original “failed policy” of all peoples and governments is lack of greater LOVE.  The true Spirit of July 4th was conceived in love for freedom, born in love for the Constitution, and raised with love for the great opportunity that this mature understanding cultured in the heart and soul of the Republic. Our honored allegiance to the Republic -- and the principle for which it stands -- is at heart, the vow for greater LOVE.

Such principle requires citizen responsibility to make a stand when these virtues are challenged. No less than the great LOVE that matured the Great Experiment in representative self-government.


Today, in an instant-everywhere-interactive “global village” (Internet), the Family of Man is ALL connected.  The challenge to freedom and opportunity is now a global issue and we can’t deny the world the rights and virtue that we honor ourselves.  The love of truth – the truth of greater LOVE – requires that we honor this “first principle”.

This is the Spirit -- the founding principle -- that inspired U.S. Founders to declare their independence from tyranny over the hearts and minds of man.  Call it moral courage, faith in a Higher Power, or Just the Great Spirit of July 4th. 


It is the first principle of greater LOVE that we should honor and celebrate on July 4th. 


It is the same Spirit – a proactive vision – that will finish what U.S. Founders began, worldwide.  Not with force and military intervention, but with an example of greater LOVE, beginning at “home” in our hearts and minds, families and friends, community networks and the global unity of, by and for “We the People”.  ALL people.  That requires greater LOVE.


This is THE LEGACY PROJECT in the Revolutionary Spirit of true American patriots.  Someone has to do this, addressing the “Net reality” of the Internet and the full implications for global Netizens.  That “someone” is all true patriots who embrace the same Spirit of ’76 that inspired U.S. Founders.  Forging self-government in the New World of early America was no less a challenge than forging greater LOVE in the New World of Net reality now. 


Heaven knows that establishing the foundation for worldwide LOVE is a big challenge.  Corrupt power never gives up its self-serving agenda without a struggle. Scarcity-based economics will not just roll over and die in the face of the extraordinary abundance of money and technologies that could heal global civilization and our planetary ecosystem.


The prescient visionary, Victor Hugo, once said that, “More powerful than standing armies is a vision that has found its time.”  This is the vision needed now.  Quite simply, it is a vision of, by and for an abundant LOVE-centric mediation process for our global village. Mediation of the governance process on all levels.  A system of self-governance which is accountable to the first principle of greater LOVE.  A wholly New Economics of abundance will follow abundance of the first principle at the heart of the instant-everywhere-interactive Net reality that shapes our conscience and local/global community.


It is a VISION for doing this that will make media and government accountable to the purpose for which it serves – truth and greater LOVE.  That vision is, at heart, a system for upgrading our horse-and-buggy Bill of Right with current Space Age Net realty as will define, refine, combine and shine Netizen involvement in the way that cultures the Next Big Thing in the computer/Internet Revolution. 


After hardware (IBM), software (Microsoft) and netware (Netscape) comes “HEARTware” (The LOVE Model).  Big challenges require big picture solutions that are centered in – and connected through – the first principle.


The best response to the Big Lie of endless war for peace is the Whole Truth that is whole enough and bold enough that when told enough, people “get it”.  Greater LOVE beats war. Always has.  Always will.  It got rid of the empire tyranny in early America and in Gandhi’s India. It will get rid of the empire tyranny in the world today.

"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and
love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."
-- Mahatma (Great Soul) Gandhi


True patriots understand this.  The patriots who would champion this cause are now worldwide.  Is it ironic that the largest contribution to my GeoNotes newslist has come from Europe?  Was it ironic that some of George Washington’s best generals came from Europe? No, it’s a matter of fact that true patriotism has NO boundaries.  As Thomas Paine said so well in his Revolutionary catalyst, COMMON SENSE, later echoed by George Washington, “The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.”


That cause is now challenged by self-serving war profiteers who have hi-jacked the U.S. government just as surely as King George did when he sent in the Red Coats.  Those Red Coats, under U.S. colors, have now garrisoned in countries worldwide to intervene with the sovereign rights of their citizens.  The United States was not conceived by its Founders to become a militaristic empire that forced it’s will on sovereign peoples.  The Founders intended just the opposite of what we see now.


The warfare is now more “informational” (media propaganda) and “psychological” (terror-tyranny tactics), but the assault on worldwide freedom and opportunity is no less a challenge.  The emotional tyranny of a terror war that subjugates a nation with psychological and economic tyranny is just as nefarious as physical tyranny and the devastation wreaked on the people of Iraq.  It's unconscionable to a man of conscience.


Since Bush came to office, he has bankrupted the public treasury at an unprecedented rate.  The war has multiplied terrorism while destroying America’s global reputation.  It has blackened the cause of truth, honor and freedom worldwide.  It has created a police state infrastructure in both Iraq and the U.S.  And it is dramatically cutting social services for the American people.


This in the face of retiring baby boomers who could well bankrupt Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security even if the public treasury was relatively full as it was before the war profiteers took over government.


Something MAJOR has got to change. 


It’s time for a turn-around strategy.  The War Party of corporate profiteers on Capitol Hill has too much power according to surveys that say 90-98% of Americans agree. The government is no longer accountable to the representation purpose for which it serves.  The escalating "exit strategy" from Afghanistan was Iraq and their exit strategy from Iraq is now Iran.  By plan and intent, these war profiteers have set the stage for WWIII.  They hold America hostage to their corporate profits.  "Secrecy" and "national security" fronts for treachery and treason that is relentless in pursuing their nefarious agenda.


The way the arrogant power-elite see it, a global war and complete economic collapse would traumatize most people so completely that they would accept a universal draft and a totalitarian agenda.  Their hubris is such that they believe this “final solution” (global war) will eliminate the population problem while keeping them in power. If you don’t think that level of insanity is in play, you haven’t read the signs of the times.


"Underlying 'America's New War' is international 'population planning.' According to Rockefeller-directed population planners, additional depopulation must occur in advance of the New World Order. In the United States, according to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) March/April 1996, Foreign Affairs journal, plans to depopulate America by half to achieve a U.S. population in the range of 125 to 150 million, or about its size in the 1940s, are underway."

--Dr. Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D, M.A., M.P.H., Best Selling Author and Leading Health Rights Activist


And how dear reader do you think these corrupt globalists plans to depopulate the strongest bastion of freedom so drastically?


The Big Lie spinning of half-truths and outright lies in the monopoly media has become so BIG with theological and psychological “BS” (Belief Systems) that people believe it. The U.S. was never supposed to become that which it fought to defeat in the beginning.   It was never supposed to succumb to tyranny in the name of security.  Jefferson said that rebellion against tyranny was obedience to God.  But the REAL 9-11 hijackers have inverted, subverted and perverted God government, creating government “god” with politically correct “BS”.


But how would Americans know they are being manipulated by ideological propaganda when that propaganda passes as mainstream media "news"?


Everything that U.S. Founders fought for is on the line right now. 


The arrogance and abuse of unbridled power that has corrupted the Founders model of representative government is out of control.  The economics and politics of big business collusion with big government has become far more complex than the science and technological capabilities for healing all our social, political and economic problems.  The ugly face of fascism is being wrapped in the flag with nationalistic pride. Puffed-up religious egos mask their fears with cherished illusions and willful ignorance that makes a mockery of our Declaration of Independence.  Believing you are not a victim of this treachery is part of being a victim.  True patriots know the difference.


What does it take to snap out of the national trauma and psychotic break with reality spawned since 9-11?  The truth of insider government complicity?  Where is the moral honesty of the truth of 9-11 in the monopoly media?  Were we BUSHwhacked?

"This (9/11) was all planned. This was a government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order. He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason and mass murder."
– former government insider, Stanley Hilton. Transcript of Alex Jones interview with Stanley Hilton at www.heartcom.org/BUSHwhacked.htm . MP3 audio of this interview is available at http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/091204hilton.htm


Is the truth too difficult for the American people or is there a conspiracy by media corporations who are connected at the hip with war profiteers?  Is “the truth” moreso the moral cowardice of the American people or innocent belief in the Big Lie maintained by the mainstream media?  And what, pray tell, is the July 4th solution?  True patriots know that answer.


“When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth,
he will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest.”


The poor in spirit – lacking the courage to confront the betrayal of our Revolutionary heritage -- are victims of the psychology of subservience to the “BS” of the Big Lie that sounds good with all the right patriotic words but subverts honor and courage – the Spirit of Revolution -- by encouraging cowardice of conscience.  Evil is called “good” because enough true patriots don’t challenge it.


So what do we DO?  The truth is simple enough.  It ain’t rocket science. As Abraham Lincoln said so well, “To sin by silence, when they should protest, makes cowards of men.”  So get a grip on Net reality and network the whole truth that features the first principle for liberating and leveraging the extraordinary gifts and talents of global Netizens.  Make a stand.  Forward this far and wide.  Send copies to Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the super rich who are ostensibly sincere in giving back some of that which they've received.  It's good business to encourage greater LOVE.


There has always been a blueprint for the divine destiny of freedom on Earth.


Do what you can in FULL CONSCIENCE that the whole truth will set ALL people free.  Do what the poor in spirit – those afflicted with cowardice of conscience – are not able and willing to do. The healing of our collective conscience, global governance, and the whole environment of man and nature will naturally follow.


"There are times when you have to obey a call which is the highest of all, i.e. the voice of conscience

even though such obedience may cost many a bitter tear, and even more, separation from friends,

from family, from the state to which you may belong, from all that you have held as dear as life itself.

For this obedience is the law of our being."

- Mahatma Gandhi

Entrenched corruption and paradigm paralysis won't give way without public demand.  Heartless leaders won't see the light until they feel the heat.  The winds of global change will fan the fire of freedom but global Netizens must light the fire, build that fire and burn through the indifference and inertia that does what we've always done and gets what we've always got.  Insanity is thinking we'll get different results while still subservient to the terror and tyranny tactics of tyrants.


There’s a New World waiting to be born as we embrace the simple truth: LOVE heals all.  The greater the LOVE, the greater the healing.


May it begin with “U.S. – “United Sovereigns” (global Netizens) in the United State of LOVE.


- Christopher


PS – The best birthday gift you can give America is the investment of your life, liberty and sacred honor in the process of magnifying, qualifying and multiplying the first principle of greater LOVE at the heart of the process that transforms representative government in the image and likeness of freedom’s divine destiny… worldwide.  Support GeoNotes, the Legacy Project and the LOVE Network.


You have to stand against the whole world even though you may have to stand alone.
You have to stare in the face the whole world although the world may look at you
with blood-shot eyes. Do not fear. Trust the little voice residing within your heart."
-- Mahatma Gandhi


"Tyranny hates reason! Tyranny hates honor!  This is because
Tyranny is overcome by REASON and HONOR.
It is Folly and Fear that is the food of Tyrants.
Tyranny thrives in a climate of dishonor and tolerance for dishonor.
Turn on the lamp of truth and justice and tyrants flee to hide."
- Reinhold Sommerstedt


"Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks,
and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."
--Thomas Paine


“No one in public life has the courage to explain how those people who died when
New York City skyscrapers collapsed were
killed by plans concocted by the same people

who seek [stole] your votes on election day, and still talk about freedom and justice while
they pocket checks from large corporations intent on profiting from
rebuilding the faraway cities we reduce to rubble."

- John Kaminski, http://www.worldnewsstand.net/04/John_Kaminski/3.htm


“In America, the criminally insane rule and the rest of us,
or the vast majority of the rest of us, either do not care, do not know,
or are distracted and properly brainwashed into acquiescence."
- Kurt Nimmo -- Taken from http://www.counterpunch.org/nimmo06172004.html


 "An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great nation.
We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland."
- Adolf Hitler, proposing the creation of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany


“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition,
it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures,
 until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where
 everyone lives in fear"
- Harry S. Truman


When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
   When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

- Thomas Jefferson


"Public opinion sets bounds to every government,

and is the real sovereign in every free one."

--James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution and 4th U.S. President


You shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free.
-- John 8:32


"Where love rules, there is no will to power.
And where
power predominates, there love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."

- Carl Gustav Jung


"While the people are
virtuous they cannot be subdued;
but when once they lose their virtue, they will be ready
to surrender their liberties to the first
external or internal invader."
- Samuel Adams, Revolutionary firebrand



And who will tell the people
that free speech is a ruse;
The corporations run the country
and then they make the news.
Is it media or mind control
heroic victories or crime?
Who will tell the people...
that we are living in these times.”

- Song by Willie Nelson



 Live Free ~ Think Freely ~ Love with All your Heart and Mind and Soul.
  Know Your Divine Rights of, by and for a Free and Honorable Conscience.
Network for the Net worth of Genuine Freedom that Empowers Wisdom.
   Support the LOVE Network to Reboot Net Realty with the Power of LOVE.

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.
We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
- Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

CopyRound 2006
Worldwide LOVE Foundation
 all rights well-rounded

 V I S I O N
 the heart & mind of
 Global TeLeComm~unity:
 High touch HEART of high tech
 With a higher understanding of LOVE
 Defining, Refining, Combining and Shining
 Our God-given Gifts and Talents via Net Standards
  For an Economy based on LOVE-centric Net Worth.
Understanding the "Law of the Angles of G.O.D." (Geometry Of Divinity)
 That frames the "Language of the Angels of LOVE" (Spirit of the Law)
To love with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul,
 and your Netizen neighbor in our Global Village as thyself.