A-Team Web Log

Organizational development blueprint coordinates for engaging
the highest and best gifts and talents at e-College for rapid
deployment of
heartware for web 3.0 cyberEthics.

The Application process for e-College Advisors who may wish to Affiliate for:

Advancing Accelerated Ascent Attitudes And Altitudes Actually Achieving
An Alliance Aptitude Acknowledging All Actualized Adepts...
as in 'A.D.E.P.T.S.':
Affirming Definitive cyberEthics Participation for Temporal Synchronicity

If you are of one mind and heart to Appreciate this grade-A word play,
and if your passion for optimal organizational development
compels your
pure intention to pay attention for
evolutionary ascension into the
'5th Dimension' of Unity
... then you can apply to be a member of the A-Team;
   just reply to geonotes@mcn.net with your unique
  gifts and talents that you would like to contribute.


Blueprint Coordinates to Consider:

"There is a tide in the affairs of man, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries;
We must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.
~ Julius Caesar [William Shakespeare]

 "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it! 
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

~ Goethe

 “In the process of organizational development for optimal success,
the clearer the vision for developing that success,
then the greater the consequent results.”

~ an Adept Developer

A-Team Affirmation: Mission Statement

The application of immersive visualization and next generation human/computer interfaces
to challenges in science, technology and the humanities.”
~ Adrian Sannier

A-Team Confirmation: Vision Statement

    Pure intention will focus attention on the love of learning with love’s retention for our
evolutionary ascension into the ‘5th Dimension’ of unity-in-diversity with collective
common sense (Unity Consciousness) at the heart of REAL community by culturing
social Conscience in our local and global social networks through application of a
real-time interactive interface for mass-to-mass TeLeComm (emphasizing the ‘TLC’) for
 defining, refining, combining and
shining highly personalized (high touch) high tech with
 heartware cyberEthics (web 3.0).

A-Team Determination: M-5 Statement

The highest and best use of interactive technology for culturing social Conscience
in all
Media, Mentoring, Medical, Management and Marketing networks.

A-Team Integration: Integrity Statement

The definite major purpose of cyberEthics is E-valuation criteria
 integral to web 3.0 processes governing conscious evolution;
  involving and evolving our individual and collective
 along more enlightened-archetypal ‘lines’ that frame the core
constituents for the ‘
Constitution of Conscience at the heart
 of global r
EVOLUTION in conscientious common sense of,
by, and for all ‘Netizens’ in our all-connected global village.

"Conscience is the most sacred of all property."
~ James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution


This is global rEVOLUTION  from the "inside-out"
 with our DNA changing in synchronicity with
'The Quickening' of energetic changes.
Riding this wave of acceleration
accelerated learning
via cyber
Ethics will
naturally help
make it


In Summary…

DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE: developing an interactive heartware (tm) interface for mass-to-mass interaction as will culture social Conscience in social networks. This purpose is to center and connect (link the light) of our individual and collective consciousness.  This process will culture conscientious common sense at the heart of the Constitution, the heart of our interaction, and the heart of all Netizen constituents who honor Conscience as the most sacred of all property.

Obviously, to optimize mass-to-mass interaction, a standardized framework of 'e-valuation' criteria is needed that will do three things:

1st - It will resonate with the pure intention of users to organize information IN FORMATION along more enlightened 'lines' that frame a 'universal' (archetypal) language of consciousness for interactive 'E-valuation' with the currency of Conscience, i.e. the 1st criteria for 'heartware cyberEthics' as will give 'web 3.0' a moral compass... and will re-define 'Net worth' for the Next Economy.

2nd - It will serve users by focusing attention on a a unique proprietary (trademarked) process as will involve and evolve social Conscience in social networks.  "Newbies" (neophytes) to this process will be able to experience the 'E-valuation criteria' through a confidential on-line self-assessment profile which gives them congruent commeasurement with the archetypal processes of consciousness involved.

3rd - The love of learning -- with the synergy of pure intention focusing attention -- will optimize love's retention via accelerated learning that involves and evolves individual and collective collaboration and cooperation through the archetypal e-valuation criteria of web 3.0 cyberEthics.

MASTERMIND ALLIANCE:  an opportunity for open source coding that web programmers will contribute to with a unique 'Net worth' compensation plan which encourages in-house (e-College) cooperation and collaboration with gifted programmers worldwide.

An optimal private/public partnership program for win/win is needed to synergize 'Co-Creation' with
 3 basic '

1st - There are both 'profit' and 'non-profit' aspects to an unprecedented 'compensation plan, balancing both private (e-College) and public (individual) interests that represent pure intention for an optimal learning environment.

2nd - Those who 'get it' (early adopters of the concepts involved) will have numerous opportunities for profit or non-profit compensation as will take web 3.0 cyberEthics mainstream, focusing attention on self-evident 'Net worth' benefits.

3rd - The process of MASTERMINDING via mass-to-mass interaction will recycle general knowledge in the way (information's ecology) that generates specific wisdom in both a personalized and universal sense, a process of win/win Co-Creation that takes a love of learning to the highest level of love's retention in social networks which utilize web 3.0 cyberEthics.

'CPM' (Critical Path Method) to expedite product development and deployment, strategically positioning this model of 'web 3.0' standards for social networks as will be licensed by e-college.

Rapid development and deployment of web 3.0 cyberEthics and optimal market positioning will require
 3 core components:

1st - Trademark/Patent of the unique process involved, i.e. a trendfit of the computer/Internet revolution from the emphasis on hardware (IBM), and software (Microsoft) to netware (Netscape) and now to heartware (web 3.0). This is the Big Shift from "the computer is the network" (web 2.0) to "the network has a heart" (the pure intention of cyberEthics).

2nd - A "PTC'd" (Planned, Timed & Coordinated) rapid development and deployment schedule for focusing attention on the introduction to the interface, i.e. the interactive self-assessment profile whereby neophytes can experience the E-valuation criteria for web 3.0 cyberEthics.

3rd - "PTC'd" (Planned, Timed & Coordinated) schedule for rapid development and deployment of the 'real time ' (mass-to-mass interactive) heartware interface, empowering the love of learning as never before via love's retention in a process that will make it so.

If you have unique expertise and pure intention for this mission
... then you can apply to be a member of the
   just reply to geonotes@mcn.net with your unique
   gifts and talents that you would like to contribute.