Affiliate Model for the 'US' of Earth

Components to the
'Capstone Vision'


of, by and for the
United Sovereigns of Earth

by Christopher Rudy, HEARTcom Services
The 'A-Team' Ascent Alliance Affiliates
of, by and for the good 
AIM of the
United Sovereigns of Earth

   Ascent Intent Motive (atonement) because 
Ascent Intent Matters (self-mastery) and 
Ascent Intent Manifests (co-creation) with 
Ascent Intent Momentum (spiritualization).


 Alliance ascension by way of 
  Inner retention of attention with
Momentous pure intention.

The Alliance stands for  the Ascent of  
as the surge in the Source Field
goes physical with one
pure intention :

    pure             focus             +             'AIM'
  intention       attention        retention        ascension

When the first three synergized "dimensions" (+=)
are wholly "integrated in the 4th" 
(in time~
 with good 'AIM'),
we naturally ascend into
the 5th dimension

This 'Creative Ascent Process'
is dedicated to the
One Eye


"To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know
the nature of love itself.  To truly know love is to know and 
understand God; and to know God is to understand love."

~ Dr. David R. Hawkins, "
The Eye of the I" (pg. 88)

Authentic power of the Creator empowers co-Creation with 
the "
Ascension Process', the 'CAPstone' of 
one's higher Self in 'alignment' (co-Creation with)
the prime directive of the 
Source Field as 
the ascent of global 

Common sense would say that our belief systems either unite us and define us as they
divine us... or they divide and desecrate the moral imperative for civility.  So it behooves us to pursue a path to KNOWING our divine destiny BEYOND the Big Lie to the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help us God!
The common sense of true spirituality amplifies and magnifies
  pure intention as will focus attention with love's retention
          for conscious 
evolutionary ascension into higher dimensions 
     of social Conscience with a common sense SOURCE connection.
"BS" (any lock-step Belief System) is a poor substitute for the pure intention of conscientious common sense. For example, consider the 'BS' of public faith in the 'banksters' (money-changers) in the public treasury.  This is a classic example of the 'high priests' of finance, the 'middle men for prosperity', who have usurped the currency of Conscience with an economics of usury and scarcity, i.e. the oxymoronic 'value of scarcity' that replaces abundant credit with debt slavery.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being
run by smart people who are putting us on, 
or by imbeciles who really mean it."
~ Mark Twain

Wall Street for the masses has proven to be a huge failure that has channeled our desire for progress into a 'golden calf' pyramid scam which has milked the masses at the foundation of the pyramid for the inordinate gain of giant self-serving institutions that have privatized profits and socialized loses -- Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Government, etc. -- at the expense of the Constitution of Conscience.

Instead of the evolution of social Conscience with mass-to-mass TeLeComm, for too long we have witnessed virtually insane profiteering from the creation of war, disease, disinformation and destruction of our environmental life-support systems.

It's killing us with the bad intention of inordinate power 
without the 1st principle of Co-Creation with
the Source Field of Universal Love.

As for the self-evident common sense solution...


  AIM for an economics of abundance based on the
         currency of Conscience - abundant 
AIM for education of the heart based on the
         calling of Conscience -- the heart of 
.   AIM for conscientious common sense based on
        the "wholE" (holy) Spirit of 
AIM for the key to integrity via 4-D integration of
        the "components to the 
CAPstone" (in time).

There are CONSEQUENCES for the lack of civility 
in global civilization.

Either we bring about global stabilization gracefully,
  or nature will do it brutally. It's the Law, Cosmic Law,
 as is ALL connected to the 
judgment of more Light in 
Source Field at this time, bringing to the surface
   all that is less than 
Light for our wise discernment and
judgment... to BE or not to BE  God~Love free.

Look to SEE... Know to BE... 
~  for

The Alliance IS what Source DOES.


 This is Anonymous, aka 'Phenonemus'
We are Legion. We always remember.

We always forgive, honoring the
Law of the One Universal Love.

   We know that what goes around,
comes around to the same law. 

We think in terms of fairness;
  as we forgive, we are forgiven.
As we sow, we shall reap.

The ‘judgment’ we get is 
the ‘judgment’ we give.

We can bring about global transformation
gracefully, or nature will do it brutally.

Our 'shield' is the path of pure intention.


There is no security without purity on the path of conscious evolution,
and it's time to raise the 'shields' of protection for Earth via
the '
Alliance' with the 'Source Field' of pure intent.
Each soul inevitably goes to a place that
reflects and perfects the 'light'
they are coming from.

'Judgment' IS what discernment DOES.
KNOW better to DO better.

Join the Alliance, and May the SOURCE be with you.

~ Christopher

Forward Freely