Letter to the Editor or Guest Opinion article


Re: Mainstream Media Misinformation


It’s not surprising that letters to the editor and citizen journalism on the Internet are so popular.  Just as Bush continues to retrofit Intelligence to an endless war agenda, likewise does the mainstream media program our intelligence in support of that same agenda.  Indeed, the five giant media conglomerates programming the mass mind are owned by or “embedded” (in bed with) military-industrial contractors, Big Oil, the “greater Israel” lobby and giant pharmaceutical companies pushing drugs for the mass “dis-ease” this mass madness creates.

War is destroying America. It was J.F. Kennedy who said, “Either we end war or war will end us.”  Some say that’s the real reason he was assassinated; corporate America was making a killing on Vietnam.  There’s no question that the most powerful media, medical and military-industrial special interests in the world have a vested interested in keeping common sense uncommon.  Captive markets have made freedom of choice the enemy. Terror is their tactic.


Recent leaks of a major CIA report show that the Iraq war has exploded terrorism with hatred of the U.S. in the Middle East and worldwide.  America is less secure yet, in the name of the war on terror that is escalating terror, the Bush regime pushes the same terror war agenda for war with Iran that got us into the mess with Iraq.


Indeed, there’s no better cover for deceit and disinformation – if not treachery and treason – than endless war whose first and on-going victim is the truth.  It’s too terrible for weak minds and faint hearts to consider, but the fact is that the U.S. government and sycophant media have become as corrupt as hell. Or as Pogo said, “We have found the enemy and he is us.”


When safety and security are hijacked by war powers, enemies are created and managed with terror and tyranny tactics until we have neither freedom nor security.  This requires public numbing and dumbing – the “D.U.H. syndrome” (Dummies Unconscious and Heartless” -- with layer upon layer of evil called “good”.  When this Big Lie is incessantly programmed in the mainstream media -- -- as regarding 9-11, Iraq, Gaza and Lebanon – people actually believe it.

The true history of this real conspiracy is that a radical fringe of the Republican Party used the trauma of the 9/11 terror attacks to advance a pre-existing agenda for a “new Pearl Harbor” that would radically transform American foreign policy while rolling back civil liberties and social programs at home. The Bush administration's false justifications for endless war is part of a two-decade struggle by neoconservatives to dramatically increase military spending in the wake of the cold war, and to expand American power globally by means of military force. At the same time, the Bush administration has sold this radical and controversial plan for aggressive American military intervention by deliberately manipulating intelligence, political imagery, and the fears of the American people after 9/11.


But it’s worse than that.  There is just too much evidence that the mass media – including much of the Internet – has been involved with a conspiracy to conceal the truth of what really happened on 9-11


It is well documented by 9-11 researchers that this new Pearl Harbor was an inside job.  Extremist Muslims are blamed for flying planes into the World Trade Centers, but it turns out that no Arabs were on the flight logs.  Almost half of the named “suicide hijackers” turned up alive, a case of identity theft.  Hundreds of fireman, policemen and other credible witnesses have reported that controlled demolitions collapsed the World Trade Centers. 


Are you aware that three World Trade Center building collapsed that infamous day?  The third building – ostensibly the target of the airliner that crashed in Pennsylvania -- was “pulled” (controlled demolition) with the same perfect free-fall collapse as the other two buildings. This is according to the owner of the WTC complex, Larry Silverstein, when he slipped up in an interview on a national PBS program.


A few months before 9-11, Silverstein bought a multi-billion dollar insurance policy on the WTC buildings that specified coverage for “terrorist attacks”. President Bush’s brother Marvin, and his cousin, Wirt Walker III, took over security of the WTC complex about the same time.  Their company, Securacom, was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family… and the first Gulf War. Securacom also covered Dulles International Airport and United Airlines -- two key players in the 9/11 attacks. 


I wouldn't be surprised if the Bush Family got a major cut of the 4.7 billion dollars that Silverstein was paid on "his" insurance claim.


These BUSHwhackers go way back.  Even some of the mainstream media have confirmed that WWII was an inside job with grandpappy Prescott Bush doing the banking for Hitler’s military-industrial complex, accruing the fortune that has funded the Bush dynasty.  President Roosevelt charged Prescott for trading with the enemy.  Now the real 9-11 terrorists create “the enemy” so they can seize war powers of virtual dictatorship proportions.


But we don’t read the truth of all this in the mainstream monopoly media.  People don’t believe it because they are afraid to.  It’s easier for many people to believe religiously in being politically correct in support of fork-tongued, two-faced wolves in sheep’s clothing. DUH!

The Bush administration terror tactic of 9-11 continues.  They never stop warning us to “Be afraid. Be very afraid” so we will trust Republicans to provide security in the face of a World War III agenda they are pushing with their “Iran plan”.  These power-mad war profiteers know that Russia and China have huge contracts for Iran’s oil.  They see global war as a means to their agenda for global hegemony.


The only thing I fear is such inordinate fear itself.  That fear – which furthers tyranny in the name of security -- is what Bush Republicans are counting on in the November elections.  That fear is the enemy of faith in every virtue that U.S. Founders held sacred.  It will bring our worst fears upon us.


Executive war powers have decimated Constitutional checks and balances on the abuse of power.  There is no appeasing this ruthless enemy.  I don’t know if voting Democratic in November will check and balance the fascist forces destroying our government, but having been a life-long Republican, it is the best faith-based initiative I know of… if the electronic voting machines are not hacked by Bush insiders again.


If we don’t pray for the truth that sets us free, we will be preyed upon by those who really hate our freedoms.



-- Christopher Rudy
   email: geonotes@mcn.net
   blog: www.heartcomnetwork.typepad.com