Texas Representative urges repeal of neo-fascist laws in America before it is too late

Steve Watson

Infowars.net | November 13, 2006

Re-elected Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul joined Alex Jones on air last week to discuss the fallout of the midterm elections and what he sees transpiring over the next two years.
He ended by ominously warning that something must be done soon to overturn legislation such as the Military Commissions act, the law that officially allows for citizen concentration camp facilities.

[Now being built by Cheney's Haliburton Co. with $330 million of Federal funding - CR]

Beginning with the positives to come out of the election, Ron Paul stressed that it has provided an important indication to the rest of the world that the people of America are unhappy with the usurpers that have seized control of their government and are trying to initiate change. The Congressman was quick to point out that this may not be carried into policy however:

"Not a whole lot will change because the leadership on the Democratic side, even if they had their way, don't have a different foreign policy. They have been supportive of an interventionist foreign policy in the middle east, and they are not about to back away from that... They are willing to criticize the policy but only as a means to get power."

As we have seen over the past week, leading Democrats are all towing the party line , unreservedly dismissing any notion of the possibility of impeaching the President over Iraq.

The Congressman also stated that monetary policy will stay the same, which can only mean bad news for the American economy. "They all believe in the federal reserve, they are not going to get rid of the IRS and the income tax. I think the dollar is going to keep sliding, which means prices are going to rise,
when currencies self destruct, the end goes quickly. There are no signs that there is anything being done in Washington to correct the problem. Spending is going to continue and probably going to get worse, the deficits are going to stay high if foreign policy is not going to change."

The Congressman agreed that the elite globalists within the US government may not care about this too much because
it means they can blow out the economy and then come back and buy it up very cheaply. [And start the process all over again, consolidating Martial law police state powers in the process]

These Internationalists [read "banksters"] care not about preserving and protecting American sovereignty
when there is a quick buck to be made.

"That's also part of the foreign policy to be in position to hold onto natural resources, that's one of the major reasons why we're in the middle east, so yes, if there is a financial crisis they're going to have the guns, and they have control of the natural resources... It's not a good scenario, because what usually happens when you wipe out a currency is that you wipe out the middle class, and we already see this happening. The standard of living is going down." Paul asserted.

Ron Paul's comments echo those of Former World Bank Vice President, Chief Economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz , who two weeks ago
predicted a global economic crash within 24 months - unless the current downturn is successfully managed. Asked if the situation was being properly handled Stiglitz emphatically responded "no," and also drew ominous parallels to the development of the NAFTA Superhighway and the North American Union.

What real Conservatism there was left in the House, to block such moves, is gone. With Pelosi at the helm Ron Paul sees it as a forgone conclusion that such policies will sail through.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the Congressman spoke on the issue of going about
demanding a repeal of freedom crushing legislation such as the Patriot act and the Military Commissions act and the Defense Authorization Act which essentially wipes out Habeas Corpus.

"We might have to hope that our Supreme Court helps us out a little. The Court has been better than the executive branch and a heck of a lot better than the Congress, because we've given the President everything he's asked for and the President has been begging for all this authority,
so immediately we have to hope that the courts will save us on some of these things. But once again ultimately its only when the people wake up and say they don't like this... sometimes the people wake up too late... the authority has been given so that concentration camps can come without Habeas Corpus . I have heard the argument that there is nothing else left in the Bill of Rights. If they can lock you up, what good is freedom of speech or what good is a gun? That is now part of the books, part of the law."


Take Ron Paul's suggestion up and contact your new or re-elected members and demand a move to repeal legislation paving the way for fascist government control in America today.

Infowars.com is Copyright 2006 Alex Jones | Fair Use Notice

--------- final note by Christopher

Ron Paul is one of the most outspoken truth-telling members of Congress, but he rarely discusses the shadow Zionist influence of neocons representing both Jews and Christian Evangelicals pushing the "greater Israel" agenda... not only the police state horrors and excessive force we see Israel practice against Palestinians and the Lebanese... BUT ALSO THOSE ZIONIST AGENTS BEHIND 9-11 AND THE CRIMINAL WAR PROFITEERS WHO CREATE TERROR AND MANAGE THE WAR ON TERROR TO FURTHER THEIR POLICE STATE AGENDA WITH CONCENTRATION CAMPS IN THE US!

Most people are not aware that the only flag that Hitler allowed to fly with the Nazi Swastika was the Zionist flag.  Indeed, Nazi fascism and Zionist supremacism go hand in hand.  Both are "control freaks" whose love of power has eclipsed the power of love.  They both bring their respective spheres of power to the table to synergize a win/win power grab over public institutions, especially government.  The fruit of their ZioNazi intrigue and treachery -- as we can all see -- is the loss of core Constitutional freedoms with encroaching police state tyranny under Judeo-Christian Zionists who are wolves in sheep's clothing.

One way to understand this phantom enemy -- that is never seen nor ever addressed in the Zionist Media --  is to understand the difference between the creation of the Jewish State of Israel and the Unites States of America.  The one was a political creation by Zionists who seized a small piece of Palestinian land and have been using Israel every since as a platform for international Zionist expansion of an aggressive agenda.   The other was created by the gathering of the tribes of IS REAL -- religious freedom of a new testament nature -- in the "New Jerusalem" that U.S. Founders conceived and attempted to achieve.  Zionist Israel was conceived and stolen with the same Old Testament Jewish values of "eye for an eye" that continues revenge and retaliation cycles for lack of New Testament "Love is for giving" virtues.  And those old paradigm values -- which crucified the Christ -- continues to love power for its own sake, murdering of hundreds of millions via power-mad Zionists behind every major war and power grab of the century.  Indeed, they have infiltrated the US government and many of our institutions as you can read at www.heartcom.org/MediaZionism.htm.

This is the real enemy behind the war on terror.  These are those behind a "Homeland Security" that in German means "Gestapo".  These are the virtually anti-Christ forces behind torture, murderous policies, draconian police state powers, "preemptive" aggression without provocation, and corrupt laws subverting the Constitution while building concentration camps for those who dissent.

This is how the love of power eclipses the power of love in broad daylight.  See "Pschpathology of the Neocons".  When people look into this and finally get tired of of the same old victim dictum that curses the darkness, perhaps they will finally turn back to a LOVE-centric solution whereby the power of love enlightens humanity and neutralizes the love of power.

Network for the Net worth of the LOVE Network,

- Christopher Rudy