The deadly dishonesty of measuring and reporting only Iodine 131 levels

 If you research this as I have, this is what you’ll find.

~ Christopher Rudy, 3-9-2011

Plutonium radiates half of its mass (half life) only after 24,000 years. There is a deadly dishonesty in measuring and reporting only radioactive iodine 131 levels which has a half-life of around 8 days.

Let me show you how dishonest and fatally misleading it is for those in charge of readings to measure only radioactive Iodine and not the longer lasting (effectively permanent) radioactive elements such as cesium 134, plutonium, uranium, and strontium 90 radioactive particles.

If you add to a box one gram of Iodine 131 and a gram of Plutonium every 8 days - and if you only measured radioactive Iodine - the readings for Iodine would be on successive days the sum of:

1.0   total grams of radioactive Iodine found in the box (with half life of 8 days):
1.5   total grams on 8th day
1.75  total grams on 16th day
1.875  total grams on 24th day
1.9375  total grams on 32nd day
1.96875  total grams grams on 40th day
1.984375  total on 48th day 1.9921875 
total grams on 56th day 1.99609375 
total grams on 64th day 1.998046875 
total grams on 72nd day 1.9990234375
total grams on 80th day   --
less than 2 grams!

On the eightieth day of adding one gram of radioactive Iodine to the box there is still less than 2 grams in the box to be measured.

Now look at how Plutonium accumulates in the box if one gram is added every eight days:

 1.0 total grams of Plutonium in the box
2.0 total grams on the 8th day
3.0 total grams on the 16th day
4.0 total grams on the 24th day
5.0 total grams on the 32nd day
6.0 total grams on the 40th day
7.0 total grams on the 48th day
8.0 total grams on the 56th day
9.0 total grams on the 64th day
10.0 total grams on the 72nd day
11.0 total grams on the 80th day

We are only getting readings for the radioactive iodine isotope, we are not getting it for Plutonium and the other effectively permanent contaminants.

Do you see how misleading it is to report only Iodine readings!!!

After 80 days at an increase of one unit every 8 days, Plutonium will be increased by a factor of 10
whereas radioactive iodine readings show less and less because of its short half-life.

Do you see how people are being given information that drastically understates the rate at which nuclear contamination is increasing in the environment?

Potassium iodide tablets only protect against radioactive iodine 131, not against all these other long-term radioactive particles.

"Tablets only protect  against Iodine 131, not against Cesium 134, 137, Plutonium, Uranium, and Strontium 90 radioactive particles. It's not a surprise that the gov'ts hasn't been more forth coming with the true readings of the radiation. Also, everything is as said, speculative, why??  As we continue to research the bits of info given to us, we too can speculate just how bad it really is!! After all, the Gulf Oil Spill is supposed to all cleaned up now and of course the 9 11 first responders, fire fighters, police officers and volunteer workers almost all have cancer or have already passed. All the while the EPA said everything was OK!!"   --  Ralph Langner

The deadly dishonesty of measuring and reporting only Iodine 131 levels

There’s a common pattern to public deception. Those who are in high positions critical to our protection are also most able to cause harm through omission or misinforming or under-responding.  Where the evidence can't be hidden, they are vague and elusive on everything.  What has become obvious – when public review of the scientific methods used are lacking -- we see no evidence of any good science to say that the radiation across America is safe. This is especially so in radiation detection in the atmosphere and in detection in plants, animals, water and soil.

There is no effort to accurately measure and report what is being released into the atmosphere.

There is no cordon of captive balloons at different altitudes around Fukushima taking readings.  Right now whoever the decision-makers in Japan are they are only interested in getting the radiation away from Japan  --
no one is thinking of North America even as much as to get a rough estimate of what is being put into the atmosphere that almost certainly will be carried by the prevailing westerlies population and environment of our continent. 

And there is no report from anyone on Plutonium and Strontium 90 -- even though we know Plutonium at Chernobyl was carried as far as Sweden.  Radio active Iodine has a half life of around 8 days --  Plutonium radiates half of its mass (half life)  only after 20,000 years.

Get a grip on reality folks.  This deadly deception is a dangerous threat to all our lives!

If you read last week “Radiation Alert”, you understand why this cover-up is systemic and speculation reigns. As we continue to research the bits of info given to us, we too can speculate just how bad it really is!!

Do you see what a crime it is not to counter the deadly deception with the whole truth?

Do you see that this is so obvious that high authorities and the scientific establishments they command must be aware of how misleading this is  -- how the people are being given information that drastically understates the rate at which nuclear contamination is increasing in the environment?

This gives congruent meaning to, “Without vision, the people perish.”  Much of the public is virtually being murdered and we are too polite to upset anyone by warning them of the danger. 

Do you see how murderous this cover-up is?  Are we too polite to upset anyone by giving out the warning?  Would you agree that this would upset people who will almost certainly turn on you in denial rather than face this most unpleasant music?

And would you agree that it's better to tell the truth that compels disciplines for health rather than be party to cover-ups that kill for lack of awareness of the need to build health?

The answer for people of Conscience is to love people more than you fear the backlash of willful ignorance and cherished illusions of safety. 

Conscientious common sense love will inform people so they can at least have a fighting chance to build their immune systems and prevent radiation sickness.

Keep the Faith, Be Aware, and Prepare with Love without End,

~ Christopher