By Christopher Rudy, Editor
GeoNotes News


Keynotes and highlights:


"The world is a cosmic struggle for the soul of mankind
and that struggle is reaching a climax."
~ anonymous


The global evolution revolution has paralleled the computer/Internet revolution, and either we link the light of conscientious common sense in our ubiquitous social networks or the misqualified momentums of corrupt consciousness will continue creating divisions, desecrating the sacred, and destroying civility for their own profit and control.


“Either we all hang together, or most assuredly,
we will all hang separately.”
~ wise old Benjamin Franklin at the beginning of
the Founders’ revolution.


Realize (real eyes) that the battle is already won (one) with unity Conscience that is synonymous with conscientious common sense in service to what is best for all – not compartmentalized by special interests that have a vested interest in keeping common sense uncommon.

“A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.”

~ Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
(German Dramatist, Critic and Writer on philosophy and aesthetics)


Now is the time prophesied, the beginning of a new unity in our diversity that is the end of the world of as we have known it.  A new COMMON SENSE is matriculating the matrix of collective consciousness with a new unity in our diversity…a new awakening to the emerging blueprint for a golden age.



Ask yourself, what is the common sense we all have in common?


What does everyone want to see happen in the world of today?


How do we utilize the amazing instant-everywhere interactive Internet
to link the light of our God-given gifts and talents for


Is it true that conscientious common sense represents MORE LIGHT?


Would you agree that the higher the concept of LOVE for MORE LIGHT,
the greater the results for the holy Spirit of LOVE-in-action
at the heart of the worldwide web of


Based on your conscientious consideration of these questions,
consider how a higher concept of mass-to-mass TeLeComm
with “heartware” will naturally create an environment for
culturing social
Conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.


~~~~~~~~~ for more light, light, LIGHT, LIGHT!!! ~~~~~~~~~
Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind
will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day."
--Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours, 1816

Preface Note from CR:  A new day is indeed dawning as the veil of mass illusion and willful ignorance is rapidly thinning with MORE LIGHT of a cosmic nature... as our solar system intersects the Galactic Plane of star systems in our Milky Way Galaxy over this next year.  MORE LIGHT translates to less darkness, the end of the world as we have known it... and the Whole Truth is the beginning of the end of the Big Lie that sustains the unsustainable with bankrupt consciousness behind corruption in all our core social, political and economic institutions.

The Great Hope of all Lightworkers is Great Faith in the Light of God-Love (Divine Love) that never fails those who align with pure intention to focus attention on our evolutionary ascension with MORE LIGHT, a prayer field of expectation and anticipation in FULL FAITH that mass awakening to the great challenges of the day will compel a "do or die" commitment to the path of MORE LIGHT -- the power of wisdom in love -- that is now destined to go mainstream with a global rEVOLUTION in higher
Conscience as the Higher Power governing civility in civilization.

"Conscience is the most sacred of all property"
~ James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution

As Thomas Paine said in his treatise COMMON SENSE that sparked the American Revolution, "We have it in our power to begin the world over again." Now you have the opportunity to network a vision of Truth and Love for the Net worth of a new Net reality for the Family of Man in our global village.  Please forward this link – link the light of truth and love -- to move civilization forward with the Spirit that matters.

Either we reboot global civility with mass awakening to the opportunity for mass-to-mass TeLeComm, emphasizing the
TLC, or by default, we forfeit the full potential of our new Net reality to link the light of conscientious common sense to liberate the Family of Man from the victim dictum of subservience to tyrants.

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility
    against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

-- Thomas Jefferson, September 23, 1800,
as inscribed in the Jefferson Memorial

Either we use the potential of global Net reality to liberate us -- finishing globally what U.S. Founders began locally -- or by default we lose it.

Now is the time prophesied, the beginning of a new unity in our diversity that ends the divisions, desecration and destruction of civility as we have known it.  A new COMMON SENSE is matriculating the matrix of collective consciousness with a new unity in our diversity… a new awakening to the emerging blueprint for a golden age.
All Ways Victory in the Power of Love,

C. Light

PS:  In the eternal scheme of things, you'll be known for what you did in spite of fear, not because of it.

"When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won.
There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end,
"they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."
~ "Mahatma" (Great Soul) Gandhi




from free subscribers of GeoNotes News:

  “So why is a revolution in the evolution of
Conscience so scary to the status quo?
“How do you help the cause of
Conscience when fear is so prevalent?
“If fearless faith neutralizes faithless fear, what’s the problem?”
“If truth and love is to prevail, what’s the solution?”



Response from C. Light:


It’s been said that, “A house can’t stand that is divided against itself”.  And so it is with the mind.  When the mind is compartmentalized (the fragmented mind), it is already divided and conquered by “uncommon sense”.  This has always been the tactic of lockstep, linear, left-brain dominant civilization that “draws the line” with closed systems of “BS” (Belief Systems).  Those lines serve overspecialization (BS doctrine and dogma) that is under-adaptable to conscientious common sense.  Overspecializion (special interests at the expense of public interests) are self-serving (closed systems) rather than public serving with open systems that serve the common sense of the commonwealth --what is best for the public at large.  Closed systems are under-adaptable to open systems which culture university in diversity – the “e pluribus unum” (out of many, one”) that was the “defacto motto” of the Founding Father’s authorized on the Great Seal of the United States in 1782.




That legacy has never been better represented than by the Chief Architect of the Constitution when he said that “Conscience is the most sacred of all property”.  As goes the collective Conscience of kind men among mankind, so goes the evolution of our humanity with the angels of our better nature.  This is as true for every soul on the path of eternal progression as it is true for The Family of Man today in our global village.


The same concerns of U.S. Founders
 in the “New World” of America (back then)
is the same concern of global Netizens now
in the “New World” of our global village.


Social Conscience is the core currency of the commonwealth.  It always has been.  Systems of public representation were pioneered by U.S. Founders, and today they would represent an Internet upgrade of our core Constitutional freedoms.  It’s not rocket science.  The infrastructure for optimizing global village Net reality is installed and operational with the Internet.  When we realize with real eyes how social Conscience can now be easily cultured in our new instant-everywhere and interactive social networks, we also see how the Family of Man can now finish globally what U.S. Founders began locally.



"Public opinion sets bounds to every government,

and is the real sovereign in every free one."

~ James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution
 and 4th U.S. President

There was a divine destiny for America that U.S. Founders championed, and there is a divine destiny for Earth that now champions a Net upgrade of our core Constitutional freedoms… to fulfill a global rEVOLUTION in higher Conscience.  But now this evolution revolution will be from the inside out – the Spirit that matters at the heart of a new unity in our diversity.  Now as then, the COMMON SENSE that rallies the Light Core of global civility will be a spontaneous event as collective Conscience reaches critical mass on the 2010-2011 timeline.

This is the process for linking the light of Conscience
for the sacred purpose of
Unity Conscience that
makes the
common sense of one universal
LOVE as the
motto at the heart of our
service to the highest and best
use of our God-given gifts
for unity in diversity
whereby love


It’s happening now among global Netizens who are the lightbearers, lightweavers and lightworkers dedicated to MORE LIGHT.  These are the few who understand that “One in G.O.D.~LOVE is a majority”, a “coded” term at the heart of the open source system for defining, refining and “shining” a breakthrough model of “heartware”, the interactive interface heart of mass-to-mass TeLeComm.  This may be a challenge for compartmentalized “BS” that is self-serving with closed systems, but that too shall pass.  There is no stopping the power of the inner Net at the heart of the Internet, and sooner or later, truth and love will prevail as this portal from cyberspace to inner space.


This is the fulfillment of the Great Law of
 the Spirit that matters, the prime directive,
the vast untapped potential of pure intention
that focuses our collective attention on those
principles and enlightened
TeLeComm processes
which are most likely to culture our all-connected
safety and happiness with
unity Conscience.

The core process transforming global civility is an extension of the heart … just as the computer is the extension of the brain and clothes are an extension of the skin, cars an extension of the feet, and the telephone an extension of the ear, etc. This is the heart of global rEVOLUTION that heartware takes mainstream.  It is the holy Spirit of LOVE-in-action (pink + blue = high frequency violet) that heartware cultures through an interactive interface for mass-to-mass TeLeComm.  This is the interaction that is centered and connected by the language of light as will involve and evolve our individual and collective Conscience with MORE LIGHT.


The battle now being waged in the collective consciousness of humanity is not a mystery when know.  It is being waged in the heart, mind and soul of all those lacking Conscience – those who have not yet grasped the core message of the Light Core, “To love with all your heart and all your mind and all your strength, and your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.”


"The world is a cosmic struggle for the soul of mankind
and that struggle is reaching a climax."


Realize (real eyes)  that the battle is already won (one) with unity Conscience that is synonymous with conscientious common sense in service to what is best for all – not compartmentalized by special interests that have a vested interest in keeping common sense uncommon.


“A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.”

~ Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
(German Dramatist, Critic and Writer on philosophy and aesthetics)


The opposition to this higher Conscience has been called the “monkey mind” of the ego. Unselfish global Netizens already have a unified mind of higher Conscience, but the monkey mind just doesn’t “get it”, a conscious connection with the higher soul levels as well as the lower or unconscious levels of BS running them.  That’s the difference between dim-witted animals and enlightened Conscience.  Indeed, there is a “little me” (ego) in all of us that resists and resents any challenges from that still small voice of Conscience.  The ego’s monkey mind would rather die than change because fear of death is more real than the fearless faith of Conscience.  That’s why the ego makes others wrong to make itself right.  It puts social Conscience down to raise itself up.  And with this backwards Neanderthal approach to self-control, the ego’s fear of losing control continues to suffer the sense of separation from Conscience.

For lack of conscientious common sense (vision),
the people perish.

As an example, consider the ego’s biggest fear -- the unknown.  Since the ego lacks Conscience, it fears that which is beyond its comprehension.  And out of fear, the ego resorts to denial of Conscience (doesn’t go there), and even anger at those who try to awaken their Conscience.  But just because the world stage is dominated by power elite giants who are ethical infants, doesn’t mean that the public can’t wise up and rise up with a new Net reality in our social networks – a decentralized evolution revolution that liberates Conscience with a heartware interface for mass-to-mass TeLeComm.


 Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
- Marianne Williamson


Ego is a poor servant and a selfish master.  It sees the problems with every solution rather than global solutions to all our problems.  The ego fears change from the cherished illusions and willful ignorance that mainstream media corruption serves up on a regular basis as “community standard BS”.


Take for example the issue of 9-11 and the war on terror that has become a seemingly endless war of terror.  Who benefits but the power elite giants who are ethical infants? Who benefits from the privatization of core public institutions for profit?  Who benefits from a monopoly of power to create and manage war? Who benefits from the monopoly on health care that makes a killing (reducing population) by creating and managing disease for profit?  And how else can that mass insanity end without a systemic rEVOLUTION in higher Conscience?


Create a mass prayer field with the power of love (mass-to-mass TeLeComm), and higher Conscience will make mass ego insanity obsolete.


PRAY FOR THOSE WHO REALLY DID 9-11... the abomination of desecration, standing where it ought not.
PRAY FOR THEIR JUDGMENT, that the whole world knows who they are for their JUDGMENT.
PRAY FOR YOUR DISCERNMENT,  the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH, so help you God.
PRAY FOR THE JUSTICE THAT JUST IS... the self-evident, self-correcting and self-governing system of JUSTICE (with mass-to-mass TeLeComm) that will expose the Big Lie with the Whole Truth, neutralizing nefarious dark-side forces with the power of
MORE LIGHT (truth and love).
PRAY FOR THE INTERCESSION OF HIGHER POWER... whereby mass good will as the pure intention of mass love (the ordained power of love) will adjudicate, transform and otherwise transcend the
psychology of subservience to tyranny, (the inordinate love of power) that sustains criminal elements which are inverting, subverting and perverting the power of love that civilization holds sacred.


 "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...
They are the only sure reliance for the
preservation of our liberty."
~ Thomas Jefferson


Foreword freely,


C. Light

