Introduction to the Book
E.T. 101

The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution

An Emergency Remedial Earth Edition

Co-created by Mission Control and Zoev Jho


This third-dimensional publication of
The Cosmic Instruction Manual
for Planetary Evolution
is dedicated to all our relations.

- The Intergalactic Council



     The Mission

The mission to Planet Earth was initiated by request of the planet herself. Earth has asked and the stellar councils have granted an evolutionary leap. Over the last millennium Earth has been preparing for our advent. It is now time to enter the Earth plane to reclaim this planet in the name of the Forces of Light and to open her doors to the cosmic community in which she resides.

We congratulate and salute those of you throughout the universes who have volunteered for this assignment. Go with our blessing. And remember, read the manual before you get there. Although you are veterans of countless successful missions to numerous dysfunctional life support systems, watch out for this one.

This edition of the manual is specifically designed for this planetary system—a system which defies all true rationality and has raised dysfunctionality to an art form. It is also one of the few systems where telling the truth is covertly considered a creative act. Because of the inherent hazards of this planet, Mission Control will not be responsible for any members of this mission who do not thoroughly acquaint themselves with the material contained in this special edition.

—Mission Control

     Special Note from the Publisher

Although you were warned to acquaint yourselves with the original manual before departing, a great number of you did not. “If you’ve seen one manual, you’ve seen them all” has proved to be a cavalier attitude that many of you have lived to regret, even though most of you are too stunned and dazed by the process to remember just exactly what it is you are regretting. Being four hundred light years from home and suddenly wondering “Did I forget my toothbrush?” is both annoying to Mission Control as well as useless to the mission.

So, for those of you who left your galaxy without it, an unprecedented reprinting of the manual has been authorized by the mission’s governing councils. This is the remedial version of the original manual because you couldn’t possibly handle the unexpurgated version at this time. This edition is the official American and Canadian translation, written in the vernacular and made current to your circumstances. It is the strong recommendation of the Councils, now that you have yourselves totally disassembled, why not take a moment to read the instructions? It is, after all, at your request that we had them written.

—The Intergalactic Council
On behalf of the Confederated Interuniversal Councils, the United Stellar Alliances,
and the Greater Interdimensional Federation of Light

     A Word from Mission Control

Mission Control is the tactical arm of the extraterrestrial mission to Planet Earth. We implement the decisions of the stellar councils and act as an intermediary between the members of the mission who have opted for infantry duty on the planet’s surface and those who are serving the mission in any of its many off-planet divisions. It is our responsibility to maintain all communication systems among the vast forces that have now gathered in this planetary arena. Our purpose is to assist the planet and its inhabitants into a new consciousness and reality.

Our prime directive is to coordinate the movements that Spirit orchestrates. We are here to assure that the decree of the High Spiritual Court is implemented and that the veils of the third dimension are parted so that light can enter. We have overseen the writing of this version of The Cosmic Instruction Manual at the request of the Intergalactic Council. We have done so because it is our mandate to assist all mission members in the successful completion of their many and varied assignments. Our instructions are to be a guiding force for this mission; our status is servant to Spirit.

This is Mission Control speaking. We now end this transmission.

     How to Use the Manual

The manual is not a rule book, nor does it tell you how many angels are on the head of a pin and which dimension that pin is in. It also offers no street maps of the dimensions to satisfy your linear thinking minds. This manual is a tool to awaken you to what you already know. It is an aid in accessing the real inside information, not an outside authority with the latest “ism” in which you should believe.

Because we do not wish this manual to be misused, we have deliberately left out some information. If you find yourself wanting more answers than this manual offers, don’t just stand there like a jerk; go inside and ask for those answers. Whatever is appropriate for you to know will be given. Mission Control would like you to be aware that we not only stand behind our product, but we also stand beside you as you read it.

We would also like to make it clear that although you may consider this manual a “new age” publication, we do not. That is because what you are calling “new age” is just the final manifestation of the old age. Since the “new age” is still about religious belief systems as asserted by outside authorities, we find it neither new nor much better than anything else you believe in. We prefer to think of ourselves as sacred cowpokes on a sacred cowherd, and our manual as a sacred cowpunching device. We believe that would make this publication more “post-new age” than anything.

How you end up classifying this manual is less important than how you end up using it. It is our suggestion that you use it as a tool to awaken yourself, not as a new doctrine to continue to snooze by.

This is Mission Control saying yeeeeeeeeehaw!


The Intergalactic
New Collegiate Dictionary

Because human languages are not designed to grasp many concepts outside the current fixated, fear-ridden, and toxic consciousness, and also because we do not use spoken language, this manual presents us with some interesting problems. Dealing in the currency of your linguistic systems is doubly difficult because the inversion of your energy has twisted all logical meaning. For instance, the people of this planet stand in total arrogance, adamantly denying their omnipresence. They declare their separation from themselves, each other, and all life while passing this off as an act of humility. Humility is not denial; separation is denial. And maintaining that separation is the ultimate act of pride.

Your institutions operate in the same backward manner; thus, you have a national security system that is actively engaged in killing everybody, a federal drug administration that has all but recommended motor oil for dietary use because it is low in polyunsaturates, and an economic system that has convinced everyone that life is bad for the economy. As you see, it may be difficult to use your language and still hope to express the truth. Certain terms need new definitions before you begin this reading. They follow.

Note: Some mission members have retained their extraterrestrial sense of meaning and may find this section a drag. Others have forgotten everything and require some reconstructive surgery. For that reason, we have highlighted the key definition—or as close as we can approximate a key definition in this language—with italics so that readers may either skim or read this section, as they wish.


Look Jane, See Spot Run


An extraterrestrial is not an alien. An alien is an alien. An extraterrestrial is a responsible citizen of the cosmos, not a foreigner adrift among the stars. Extraterrestrials are representatives of light, protectors of life, and lovers of the planets. They are indigenous to any planet they happen to be on by virtue of their citizenship, regardless of their planet of origin.

Many of you have come to believe that you couldn’t possibly be an extraterrestrial because you feel so connected to the Earth and love her so much. May we suggest that if you love this planet at all, you are an extraterrestrial. May we also suggest that your concern for this planet was so great that you cared enough to send the very best—in this case, yourself.

Alignment, not lineage, defines the meaning of the term “extraterrestrial.” Although all life emanates from the same source, not all life is aligned with that source. An extraterrestrial is a being who is in sympathetic harmony with the essence of its genesis.


The people of this planet have expressed a certain neurotic fear about an alien invasion. That fear has been triggered by a nagging sense that in a limitless universe there just might be other intelligent life. In a typically xenophobic and self-serving response, governments are arming against what they already know to be true. This, of course, is not general knowledge but, in paternalistic systems of government, important information is never general knowledge. In the name of national security, the acts of government are often hidden from the governed. This statement is not to make you paranoid or stir you to political revolt; it is simply to demonstrate to you the behavior of an alien and the meaning of the term.

You need not scour the skies for evidence of an alien invasion. Look around you instead. Look at those who are peddling fear, vending death, and poisoning the planet. Look at those who hide the truth so that the power they have derived from lying will not be threatened. And look at those sadly separated beings that have the audacity to gaze out upon the created universe, wondering if there could possibly be anyone else out there, all the while arming just in case there is. This is the alien invasion you worry about, the one you externalize and fear. It is also the one that surrounds you and the one you have been living out for thousands of years.

There is no point in fearing an invasion of alien, since the invasion has already happened and the aliens are already here. You would be better advised to fear that no true intelligence will ever show up or this planet. And you would be even better advised not to fear anything at all.

     E.T. vs. Alien

Now that you have learned the difference between an extraterrestrial and an alien, we would like you to forget the distinction immediately. The danger in the definitions is that, as mental concepts, they separate once again. This mission is not about separation. Nor it is a Hollywood Western being performed by a cast of good guys and bad guys. It is about light and bringing more of it onto the planet. The invitation to enter into the light is extended to all humankind, aliens included, for aliens are only extraterrestrials who have chosen to stand in the darkness, live a lie, and wear a disguise.

Note: At the time of this printing, there are only two basic types of people on this planet: extraterrestrials and aliens. “Extraterrestrial” is a transitional term which will become unnecessary by the completion of this mission. At that point, human will replace the term. An awareness of your extraterrestrial nature will then be an integral part of all human experience, and aliens will no longer occupy the planet. In the same manner other transitional terms, such as “androgyny,” will cease to have any meaning. A balanced male and female will emerge within every being. As a result, the word “androgyny” will be thrown on the trash heap, relegated to the status of a needless term that redundantly describes what it means to be human. Keep in mind that the definitions in this dictionary were written for a world in transition and are subject to revision.


Most of you have probably heard the term walk-in, but for the benefit of those who have been assigned to some real boondock outposts, we will explain its meaning. A walk-in is a member of the mission who has “walked” into a body that was previously occupied by another tenant. The main function of walk-ins is to assist ground crew members who came here in a more conventional manner to awaken to their true identity—hopefully before the mission is over. They retain much of their interdimensional consciousness and can move through dysfunctional patterns at an accelerated rate, making them invaluable to the numbed-out and befuddled crew members who have been here their entire lives. The walk-ins are an expeditionary unit, most of whom will walk right back out once the task of awakening this planet is completed. Walk-ins are missionaries of the light who are serving in this mission’s rendition of the Foreign Exchange Program.


Even the most urbane and knowledgeable members of this mission will not have heard of the term crawl-in because we just made it up. Crawl-ins are planetary transition team members who opted to enter this plane through the normal, currently traumatic birth process. Upon arriving, most of them instantly reevaluated the situation and changed their minds, but were unable to figure out a way back.

The majority of this group incarnated shortly after World War II, their advent being triggered by the Manhattan Project’s birthing of the nuclear age and the subsequent atomic bombing of Japan. They are referred to as the “war-baby crop” or “baby boomers” by the unsuspecting local population. The crawl-ins are the backbone of this mission. If you are reading this, you are most likely one of them because the “crawl-ins” are the ones that necessitated the writing of this manual.


Some people on this planet are certain that UFOs are currently visiting this place. Most people feel that this is an absurd allegation of a marginal group whose members are basically nuts. This perception is backed by governmental agencies that swear that UFOs do not exist and have tons of highly classified information to prove it. The UFO advocates justly point out that no government needs secret files on something that doesn’t exist. They find it equally absurd for governmental agencies to simultaneously refuse to release such files on the grounds that national security is at stake. Most people haven’t given this slight inconsistency any thought, going along with the party line under the assumption that the government wouldn’t lie and that “father knows best.”

Mission Control would like to put this matter to rest. The UFO faction is made up of what we call the “nuts-and-bolts” people. They are still intrigued with third-dimensional phenomena and are consequently missing the boat while looking for ships. Those who believe there is nothing to believe have been basically brainwashed by official discrediting of the question and are equally off track. The governmental agencies are lying through their teeth and are therefore the most off-base of all three factions.

Third-dimensional vehicles from other planets do, of course, exist. However, they are not the ships you should be preoccupied with. If an object can be identified as an unidentified flying object, it is not one of the craft that we control, nor is it a member of the Royal Celestial Air Force fleet that is the right arm of this mission.

Our craft are not third-dimensional; however, they are in position throughout your skies at this moment. They land wherever and whenever they wish, and they are not using an “invisibility cloak” to hide their presence. They are blatantly in the open, visible to the few who have broken through the blindness that afflicts the third dimension.

We do not mean to trivialize your third-dimensional experience or discredit the craft which travel that dimension. There are many very sweet entities in the third dimension who are assisting with this mission; however, their vehicles are definitely in the General Motors branch of this expedition and not representatives of the mighty force of fifth-dimensional craft that now gird your planet’s atmosphere. As you awaken, the presence of other dimensional craft will become obvious and fill you with awe. As a result, the contested issue of the 3-D UFO will fade in interest, just as the Model T Ford no longer thrills you or occupies your thoughts.

Note: The purpose of this piece is not to define UFO, but to clear up some of the planetary provincialism that surrounds this issue. It is also to help prepare you for the upcoming scandal of “Cosmicgate,” a disclosure of the intergovernmental cover-up of extraterrestrial presence that is soon to be exposed globally. Because this entry serves another function and is not a true definition, no part of it warranted highlighting.

Note: For clarity, we now offer a brief description of the dimensions: The third dimension is the one you are currently living in and transiting out of. It is the one you consider the sum total of reality. The fourth dimension is sometimes referred to as the astral plane and exists as a shadow dimension to the third. Like the third, it is also a dimension of polarity and is inhabited by what you call “spirits” and disembodied entities. This dimension has fallen out of favor with the thinking of scientific materialism and has been reduced to the ranks of a primitive, superstitious belief—a belief that permeated human myth until you all smartened up and dismissed it. You may be surprised to learn that the truth does not require your belief in it in order to function, and the fourth dimension has managed to carry on despite your rejection. The fifth dimension appears in your symbol systems as “heaven,” and, compared to the third dimension, it is. It is a dimension of light of love, and it is free of the illusions of duality and separation. The fifth dimension is in no way the end of the line; it is just the next step in your planetary evolution. Creation actually contains an infinite number of dimensions, many of which you inhabit simultaneously. We hope that clears this matter up for you.




Look Jane, See Spot Transmute


The concept of “light” is a misunderstood term. Few have grasped its meaning, and most use it lightly. Since the manual uses this term often, it requires an expanded definition.

True light is awesome. It is so far beyond the common English usage in conjunction with such things as neon, stop, sun, flash, Bud, and “do you have a. . . ?” that it is difficult to express its actual meaning in this language. Let us put it this way: You are victims of indirect lighting. Whatever romance you have created by using light in this manner has lost its charm. Direct lighting is the wave of the future. As a mission member, you are specifically here to plug into that high-voltage line.

Please become conscious of this word’s meaning as you use it. Light is the force of reclamation, stewarded by the power of creation. Light is nothing less than life itself.


Transmutation is not to be confused with transformation. This world had to go through thousands of years of transmuting before it was in a position to transmute. That cycle of transmutation is now complete, and the transmutative cycle has begun.

Transmutation is a genetic change at the cellular level, which is now in process for all life forms on this planet. The Earth, who is a living consciousness, has made her decision, determined her course, and begun her dimensional shift. Subsequently, all planetary life is being prepared for this event through the cellular transmutational process. This is a birth process which will deliver this planet and all participating life forms into the fifth dimension.

Cellular transmutation is not something you may choose to do if it interests you, like taking up golf. It is something that is happening and that you chose to do before you got here; otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Although you have no genetic option in this matter, you still have free will. You can willingly assist this procedure and transmute with this planetary sphere, or you can resist the process and become, as some members of our planetary transition team like to say, “crispy critters.” Mission Control advises you to think twice before you change your mind.


We have noticed that your idea of intelligence and our idea of intelligence have very little to do with one another. For instance, you call yourselves an intelligent species, yet you are dangerously close to making your planet uninhabitable by anything other than asphalt. You have also managed to place yourselves at the top of the endangered-species list. May we point out that even a virus demonstrates a more astute grasp of its situation than that. The only reason a virus is inclined to trash out its environment is in its well-calculated attempt to maintain its life.

We have also noticed that you use the word “smart” in conjunction with business swindles and corrupt deals. When someone sells property that is located on a quicksand bog, you say, “Boy, was that a smart move!” You also think it is incredibly clever to sell a used car for top dollar without mentioning that it has no transmission. Both these examples are trumped-up illustrations that lack the malignancy of your actual activities. Your governments, your corporations, and your citizenry commit mind-boggling atrocities in the name of material cunning, and all human commerce is riddled with spiritual scandal. Moreover, though such acts may technically be fraud according to your laws, fraud is an issue only if you have the misfortune of getting caught. Otherwise, these acts remain shrewd business moves, the products of brilliant minds. For obvious reasons, we are perplexed by your concept of intelligence and would like to offer another definition.

The basic misunderstanding of this term arises from the fact that the inhabitants of this planet have confused brains for intelligence. A brain is an instrument of intelligence, while intelligence is a force. Intelligence is the force of life expressing itself in created form. It exists in all life, regardless of whether it has a brain or not. Through the misuse of your mental processes, you have come to regard intelligence as the art of one-upmanship in acts of spiritual barbarism. You have somehow managed to reduce rationality to the mental faculty that enables you to grab the most the fastest. Meanwhile, true intelligence is an alignment with the matrix of creation and its source. It is an allegiance to light and an embracing of life, not a demonstration of how adept you are at the act of denial.

Our purpose here on this planet is to assist in freeing you from denial so that you can finally begin to think straight. It is our mandate as well as our longing to help raise you out of your deranged thought process up to the status of a truly intelligent life form.


This concept may be difficult to get across because you neither acknowledge your part in “creation” nor do you know anything about “cooperation.” Although both words appear in your dictionaries, we have yet to see either evolve beyond the status of a good idea.

Please do not mistake your empire-building for creation or your mutual palm-greasing for cooperation. Creation is not about razing a site and then rebuilding on that recently destroyed location, nor is it demonstrated by erecting prison systems and euphemistically calling them cities. One reason the true meaning of creation escapes you is that it cannot be accomplished by people who see themselves as victims. That disqualifies most of Earth’s population right there. Another reason is that it is founded on cooperation, which eliminates all those who were not eliminated on the first count and brings us to the other word you do not understand.

If Earth’s inhabitants had any idea what cooperation meant, the longest distance between two points would not be a committee. Nor would countries march endlessly from one war to the next. Your current understanding of cooperation is based on concession traded off for gain. That is why an institution like the United Nations is ineffectual. It has neither the bargaining chips nor the tools with which to play this global game. As long as the inhabitants of this planet remain powerless in their reality and separate in their intention and self-definition, co-creation will remain a pleasant, though unworkable, concept.

The reason we are trying to explain a word you are ill-equipped to understand is because it is the basis of this mission, and its entire plan. We are here to aid you in acknowledging your power. We are here to help you take command. We stand at your threshold, calling you to courageously walk away from the lie of human separation into the arms of your new and ecstatic lives. Once you have begun to take that first step, we will walk as your allies at your side. We will then be able to extend you our services, joyfully assisting you in the creation of your dawning, light-filled world. At that point you will finally understand that co-creation is the awesome life-giving, light-bearing act of equals, powerfully operating out of an integrity that is aligned with the truth.

Unfortunately, that brings us to another word you do not comprehend. Please go on to the next definition if you are curious about what “truth” means.


We have noticed that you pretend to value truth on this planet. Some spend a lifetime seeking it. Your legal systems demand it, and you can be sued if your business doesn’t practice it. Your philosophers define it, your scientists measure it, your religions exalt it, and you all fight over it. Meanwhile, all you are doing is paying global lip service to it. There is an excellent reason for all this: You have no idea what truth really is.

How the obvious has escaped you is a tedious story. The abridged version of it amounts to this: You embraced fear. After that unholy act, it has been downhill ever since. Fear is the first lie, the lie that tells you that you are separated from the whole. Once it has been embraced, you are incapable of ever telling the truth under any circumstances without blowing the game.

Truth, by its nature, is the light. Fear cannot, by its nature, be in the light without dying. It becomes a simple matter of self interest. Fear has owned this planet, its people, and their systems for a long time. It does not wish to give up the property it has acquired because it is a parasitic life form that cannot live separated from your life forces.

The truth is, you are the truth. It is not external to you, as you have been led to believe. For that reason, it is ludicrous to set out on a spiritual journey in search of it. It is likewise ridiculous to punish those who do not practice it when almost nobody on this planet does. As for philosophizing over it, how can you when you wouldn’t recognize it if it ran you over in the street? Meanwhile, measuring it is done in your attempt to dominate it, leading you further into the lie that it lives outside of you like an enemy that must be controlled. To exalt it is also to see it as separate. And fighting over it is so absurd as to not deserve our comment at all.

The totality of your clinically insane behavior surrounding truth has been cleverly manipulated by fear in its attempt to keep your eyes off the truth. In this manner, fear was able to continue uninterrupted and undetected in its process of eating you alive. But don’t worry—there is a cure. All you need do is awaken to the fact that you are the truth. As the light comes on, the parasite will die, leaving you joyously able to reclaim command.


This is a difficult word to define because there really isn’t any such thing. What we mean by that is that there is no single reality, here or anywhere else. There are as many different realities on this planet as there are people alive to create them all. And what passes for global reality is merely a group consensus on a few minor points. From there on out, it’s every man and woman for him or herself.

The reality that you live is nothing more than an audio-visual demonstration of where your attention is. The universe presumes your attention is on what you want and graciously provides you with more of the same. If this dynamic were understood, you would never do anything so foolish as to declare a war on drugs—unless, of course, your objective were to create more of them. There is no better way to increase drug traffic than to have everyone’s attention focused on it. This same principle applies to increasing everything you think you oppose, and it is also the reason a war cannot be won. If you were serious about stopping drugs, the best course would be to stop being fascinated with them via your perceived opposition. Become fascinated with freedom instead, and your addictions will disappear naturally to satisfy your new preoccupation.

Because you have yet to understand your power of creation and who you really are, you perpetually put your attention on denial instead of affirmation. This results in the universe serving up an extra helping of what you thought you didn’t want. Although a number of you practice the art of affirmation as a tool for changing your realities, you can affirm until you are blue in the face and they may fail. Unless your attention and your identity have also been altered to accommodate what you affirm, the universe has no option but to fulfill your real, though hidden, attention’s desires. Until you understand the role that your attention and sense of identity play in your creation, your affirmation track record will remain a perplexing hit-and-miss affair.

It is time to use your powers wisely and create realities that are worthy of who you are. You can do this by changing what you communicate to be real to the universe through your focus, and the identity you project by way of that identity’s behavior. If you do not make this fundamental shift, you will continue to transmit the same old tired requests to a universe that will dispassionately and lovingly respond with the same old tired and often toxic answers.


This is the most important word in this manual. Spirit is the driving force behind this mission as well as its designer. It is the reason our great forces are now assembled here. It is also the reason you, our mission members, willingly chose to incarnate on this seemingly hostile and backward planet. We all came at Spirit’s call.

Everything and everyone in every universe rightfully belongs to Spirit. Spirit is the power that breathes life into all created form. Spirit is life’s true identity, as well as its long-awaited beloved. Spirit is the source, it is love, it is all. And, although Spirit has always resided here, it has now chosen to lift the veils that have kept its presence on this plane from being fully known. It is out of love of Spirit that the vast Forces of Light are now infiltrating every earthly system. We were summoned here to participate in the transfiguration of this planet into the glorified home of Spirit it is destined to be.

We could go on redefining your language forever because, at the moment, there is very little agreement between us, except on words like dog and cat (and even there the agreement is minor). Since philology is not the primary intent of this manual or this mission, we will leave the matter of meaning at this point, knowing that your language is about to change organically as the natural consequences of the imminent change in your consciousness.

~~~ CONTINUED... Table of Contents  ~~~

II   Transmutational Procedure

Rules for Dysfunctional Patterns

Step I: In Rome, Do as the Romans
Step II: In Rome, Do as the Arcturians
Ground Rules
Coming Out of the Closet
All Roads Lead Away from Rome
Gentle Reminder

Some Interesting Facts about Transmutation

Pre-encoded Activation
Time/Space Anomalies and Their Physical Functions
     A.   The Dimensional Shift
     B.   The Genetic Shift
Helpful Hints for the Second Coming

III  The Mission

Job Titles—An Overview
The PLO—Definition and Purpose
The PLO—Its Historic Position
     Exhibit A
     Exhibit B
The PLO and Armistice Day
The United Stellar Corps of Engineers
     The 3-D Dilemma
     The 5-D Response
Adult Children of Dysfunctional Earthlings  (ACODE)
The MASH Units
     Transmutative Symptoms
     Transmutative Cures
The Code Talkers
The Interuniversal Banking Community
The Intergalactic Board of Realtors
The Cosmic Computer Jocks
The Rainbow Warrior
The Royal Celestial Air Force
The Quark Alliance

IV  Troubleshooting

Passing for White
Closet Cases
The Messiah Complex
The Burden of Spiritual Significance
The Chicken/Head Syndrome
Integrity—Its Care and Maintenance
Landing Instructions
Culture Shock
The Yo-Yo Effect
Deployment of Troops
Emergency Procedure
Mishaps of the Mission

V   Assistance

Foreign Aid
Morale Boosting
Curing Battle Fatigue
The Special Forces
Interdimensional Brain Surgery
Exploratory Emotional Body Surgery
Creative License
Recent Legislation
Self-help Techniques
The Great Awakening
Starseed—The Next Generation
Audio-visual Aids

A Formal Invitation / Contact Information


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