In the Masters and the Path, clairvoyant C.W. Leadbeater tells us that at the precise timing of the full moon in Scorpio (Sun in Taurus), Gautama Buddha appears physically in the Himalayas and pours out a tremendous blessing to the earth, the light of which is then funneled through every heart who can receive it.

Here is a brief description of the ceremony, excerpted from Masters and the Path:

The Lord Buddha has His own special type of force, which He outpours when He gives His blessing to the world, and this benediction is a unique and very marvelous thing. Without this mediation of the Buddha these forces would be of no use to us here in physical life; their vibrations are so tremendous, so incredibly rapid, that they would pass through us unsensed at any level we can reach, and we should never even know of their existence. But as it is, the force of the blessing is scattered all over the world; and it instantly finds for itself channels through which it can pour (just as water instantly finds an open pipe), thereby strengthening all good work and bringing peace to the hearts of those who are able to receive it.

The occasion selected for this wonderful outpouring is the full moon day of the Indian month of Vaisakh (called in Ceylon Wesak, and usually corresponding to the English May), the anniversary of all the momentous occurrences of His last earthly life -- His birth, His attainment of Buddhahood, and His departure from the physical body.

The place selected is a small plateau surrounded by low hills, which lies on the northern side of the Himalayas, not far from the frontier of Nepal, and perhaps about four hundred miles west of the city of Lhassa Tibet.

The members of the Brotherhood bow with joined hands, and the multitude behind Them fall on their faces and remain prostrate, while the others sing the three verses which were taught by the Lord Buddha Himself during His earth life, to the schoolboy Chatta: <cut for brevity>

Then the people rise and stand gazing at the presence of the Lord while the Brotherhood chants for the benefit of the people noble words of the Mahamangala Sutta.

After a few moments of solemn silence the Lord Maitreya, again taking the Rod of Power into His hands and raising it above His head, utters in a few sonorous words of Pali:

"All is ready; Master, come!"

Then as He again lays down the fiery rod, at the exact moment of the full moon, the Lord Buddha appears as a gigantic figure floating in the air just above the southern hills.

The figure which floats above the hills is of enormous size, but exactly reproduces the form and features of the body in which the Lord last lived on earth. He appears seated cross-legged, with the hands together, dressed in the yellow robe of the Buddhist monk, but wearing it so as to leave the right arm bare. No description can give an idea of the face-- a face truly God-like, for it combines calmness and power, wisdom and love in an expression containing all that our minds can imagine of the Divine.

One of the most striking features of this wondrous apparition is the splendid aura which surrounds the figure. It falls into concentric spheres, as do the auras of all highly advanced men; but the arrangement of its colors is unique. The figure is englobed in light which is somehow at the same time dazzling and yet transparent-- so bright that the eye can hardly rest upon it, and yet through it the face and the color of the robe stand out with perfect clearness. Outside of that comes a ring of glorious ultramarine; then in succession glowing golden yellow, the richest crimson, pure silvery white and a magnificent scarlet-- all these being of course really spheres, though showing as bands when seen against the sky. Shooting out at right angles, outside all these, are rays of all these hues intermingled, and interspersed with flashes of green and violet. These colors, in exactly this order, are described in ancient Buddhist scriptures as constituting the aura of the Lord; The heart of it is blinding white light, just as in the case of the Arhat.

When the Mahamangala Sutta is finished, the Lord Maitreya takes the golden bowl of water from the altar-stone, and holds it above His head for a few moments, while the multitude behind, who have also provided themselves with vessels filled with water, follow His example. As He replaces it on the altar-stone another verse is chanted: <cut for brevity.

As this ends, a smile of ineffable love beams forth from the face of the Lord as He raises His right hand in the attitude of benediction, while a great shower of flowers falls among the people. Again the members of the Brotherhood bow, again the crowd prostrates itself, and the figure slowly fades out of the sky, while the multitude relieves itself in shouts of joy and praise. The members of the Brotherhood come up to the Lord Maitreya in the order of Their admission, and each sips the water in the golden bowl, and the people also sip theirs, taking the remainder home in their quaint leather bottles as holy water to drive away all evil influences from their houses, or perhaps to cure the sick.

Then the vast company breaks up with mutual congratulations, and the people bear away to their far-distant homes an ineffaceable memory of the wonderful ceremony in which they have taken part.

