2011 Global Reckoning
Earth Changes Commence, Ready or Not;
 Social Unrest, Confronting Worst Fears;
Divine Destiny of Unity in Our Diversity.

Some times it takes global crisis for global reckoning...
a 'recon mission' of pure intention for paying attention
   to evolutionary ascension in our collective
    at the heart of our personal and planetary divine destiny.

~ "Reluctant Prophet'


--------- article follows;

Earth Changes Commence, 'Ready or Not'

The magnitude 8.9 earthquake which just devastated Japan was the biggest one to hit the country since officials began keeping records in the late 1800s.  Word is that this may be
the world's fifth most powerful earthquake in the past 110 years.

As I wrote to list members before this huge disaster, 2011 will see 'unprecedented Earth changes'. That link explains why.

I explain the 'cosmic context' for this at: 'Final 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar Commences'. 
It began March 9th and culminates October 28th, 2011. According to the leading Mayan Calendar authority, Carl Calleman, this 8 months in 2011 will be the most intense period of planetary evolution in human history.  This is quite an understatement if you factor in the taboo subject of Planet X which in 2011 is doing its 3,660 year fly-by of Earth.

Live with the truth or die with the truth... I still prefer the truth of what's coming rather than succumb to cherished illusions and willful ignorance.  And the truth is, the disaster in Japan
is mere prelude to accelerating pole shift symptoms... like the birth pangs for a "new Earth'.

This is the beginning of what the Hopi prophesied as 'The Great Purification'... and the Bible prophesied as the 'Time of Tribulations'... the time of 'Revelations'... and truly billions of Netizens worldwide share a new instant-everywhere and interactive Net reality with all knowledge potentially available at their searching fingertips.  Revelations indeed!

If you really want to know the truth of what's coming, "Search and ye shall find" has taken on new meaning.  Just beware that you may find the truth you've asked for... and it may be disruptive to your 'comfort zone' in the process of setting you free.

If you're ready to stand, face and conquer you're worst fears, see the ongoing in-depth blog on the '2011 trends to pole shift'. See also, the YouTube video: "Nemisis" (Planet X) is on the way, and N.S.A. is censoring the fact: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLU1tuMpdfs .

Social Unrest, Confronting Worst Fears

The politics behind social unrest - from Mid-East to Mid-West -- are a bottomless pit of human solutions to human problems which have compounded the problems.  Heaven knows, there are only divine solutions to human problems.  Faithless fear is merely the inversion, subversion and perversion of fearless faith in the transformational power of love.

The deeply entrenched politics and economics of big government collusion with giant corporate interests has led to an inordinate centralized
love of  power (for profit and monopoly control) which has suppressed and depressed the ordained decentralized power of love (for Constitutional representation) in the hearts and minds of people worldwide. 

In the West, social services for 'We the People' are severely cut while Wall Street returns to giant bonuses for their captains of commerce who continue stripping trillions of dollars out of the economy via new computerized micro trades which profit from both up and down moves of the orchestrated commodities bubble.

Have you noticed that the same banksters who created the market meltdown are not in jail, and in fact are running the 'economic recovery' into global economic collapse?  Should we be alarmed that the driving force of ambitious greed has cannibalized the economy beyond bankruptcy? Are you aware that trillions of dollars, stripped from the economy, have been diverted into hundreds of 'Deep Underground Military Bases' (DUMBs) since Planet X was discovered in 1983?  It was reported in mainstream media then, and covered up every since.

This stealth 'survival of the rich and powerful" -- without a corresponding public civil defense program -- is unconscionable.  The parasitic paradigm of wealth transfer form Main Street to Wall Street is likewise unconscionable.  While middle class America has rapidly increased the ranks of the poverty class, their former wealth has been transferred to a new concentration of wealth and power which has little regard for public safety or survival.

As Independent Film-maker Michael Moore recently said at a Wisconsin rally (March 5th)...
"America is not broke. Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you'll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot.

The country is awash in wealth and cash. It's just that it's not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the uber-rich.

                         "Today just 400 Americans have the same wealth
                              as half of all Americans combined.

"Let me say that again. 400 obscenely rich people, most of whom benefited in some way from the multi-trillion dollar taxpayer "bailout" of 2008, now have as much loot, stock and property as the assets of 155 million Americans combined.

"If you can't bring yourself to call that a financial coup d'état, then you are simply not being honest about what you know in your heart to be true."

~ more at:  http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/mike-friends-blog/america-is-not-broke

Let's be honest:  Social unrest is the natural consequence of the desecration of our
life, liberty and sacred Conscience as a whole-healthy-holy people.

The chief architect of the Constitution, James Madison, established the gold standard for
core Constitution freedoms in just a few words:

"Conscience is the most sacred of all property."

Current socio-economic policies are unconscionable and unsustainable, destroying the most sacred of all property rights.  These policies have made many Americans homeless.  They have created debt slavery to banksters who created the problems. And they are responsible for the 'Supreme Coup' in our own government.

In good Conscience we can say, global reckoning is due. So get ready. Shift happens

Giant corporate interests have bought-off Congress at the expense of the public they vowed to serve.   Virtual suspension of basis Constitution rights with the 'Patriot Act' has led to wholesale betrayal of honor.  The truth of imminent Earth changes is suppressed to continue false-flag normalcy.  While the empire crumbles and the power elite prepare, the public is left dangling without a safety net until the last minute when it's too late. 

The politics and economics behind the creation and management of poverty, war, disease and mass dying for profit and population control are inseparable from the prevailing system of scarcity economics -- based on the oxymoronic
value of scarcity -- which has consequently concealed, wasted and outright destroyed the abundant life... creating a scarcity of that which is most sacred - our Conscience above all.

The Next Economy will naturally be built on an economics of abundance
based on the
abundant currency of Conscience at the heart of
a new Net reality for the Family of Man via interactive
TeLeComm-Unity in our new global village.

Divine Destiny of Unity in Our Diversity.

The remnant who survive the PX fly-by will have a clean slate upon which to establish the golden rule/law language of conscientious commons sense at the innerNet of a new inner sense -- the heart of innocence whereby selfless service to civil society rules via this golden rule.

A new unity-in-diversity will define, refine, combine and shine our 'Conscious Co-Creation' (as above, so below) on Earth as it is in heaven; "Unity Conscience" (LOVE) without end.

From love we come and to love we go, as only one in God knows.
Lack of love is actually the cause of evil, and why it grows;
quick to judge, easy to anger, slow to understand...
prejudice-fear-ignorance go hand-in-hand.
But this too shall pass as we'll see,
change in which to believe;
birth of a new world
An emerging vision
of, by and for a Golden Age
is the necessity of 2011emergency,
the disintegration of social services in the
face of imminent destruction of global corruption,
and the reconstruction as will reinvent global civilization
with a more enlightened and
conscientious common sense.

As the big shift accelerates with the final 2011 9th Wave
those with great love in their hearts are awakening
to the realization that little else matters now.
The end of the world as we've known it
is the beginning of a new world
 that promises a return to
full spectrum

Bottom line:

Thanks for supporting this free service with your interest,
your prayers, and by forwarding this freely to others.

If you'd like to support this service for your health,
 small bottles of Pollen Extract are now available,
 and food reserves are still shipping, if interested.

~ Christopher

"This is a test to see if your mission on Earth is over.
If you are still alive, it's not."
 ~ Sir Francis Bacon

Look to SEE... Know to BE...
eometrically Ordered Divinity
The '
Language of the Angels' of our better nature
at the
heart of the 'Law of the Angles of G.O.D.'


"In the beginning, God geometrized."
~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom
"In the end, we become what we geometrize."
~ Modern GeoNotes Wisdom


CopyRound © 2011


All “Rights” () Well “Rounded” () & “Synergized” ()
  with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole” (
in all five archetypal dimensions of universal-cosmic

        To love with all your mind ~ , eft-brain ogic of a inear nature,
                               and all your heart ~
 , right-brain intuition of a nonlinear nature,  
             and all your strength ~
 , balanced brain of a synergy nature,
and your Netizen neighbor ~ 
in our Global Village (whole brain)
                              as thyself ~ 
, interdependent TLC Co-Creation.